Tuning Rolex
Tuning machines? It is old and well known. But tuning exclusive watches - this is something new. The British company Project X Designs offers improved Rolex, if these timepieces suddenly for some parameters do not suit you. You can use as a ready-made recipe for improving the clock and order completely individual modification. From ready to offer Rolex with a black-coated carbon (DLC, diamond-like carbon), which Swiss watchmakers themselves do not produce, but which are in very high demand. Project X Designs also makes based on his limited Rolex Series - 24 each variation. How to assure tuners, their limited editions fly instantly. And you can make your own hours. And the foundation is not limited to "Rolex": You can choose from any production models from other manufacturers. The most amazing thing that this company is to Rolex has no otnoshniya about what is fair warning on its website.