Marussia established SUV

company Marussia Motors, one of the founder of which is a showman and champion racing in the GT class Nikolai Fomenko, unveiled its new development - Marussia F2. If the first was the creation of a sports car, but now the Russian design bureau has taken on a more familiar to the domestic automotive wheel drive vehicle class SUV. Marussia The report says that the new interest not only to civil users, but also the "servicemen people." "Opportunities for the car you can use it in the army and fire brigades, brigades MES and responders as the command and staff vehicles or mobile operation control center", - said in a press release. The interior sports utilitarian SUV kept firm lines Marussia. Symmetrical front panel in the form of letters «M», pronounced baffles, monitors infotainment system indicate "genealogy» Marussia F2. Particularly proud of its multimedia system manufacturers, included in the standard car. On assurances of Marussia, nothing like that, "so far does not offer any other car manufacturer." Multemedinaya system allows you to talk on the phone or via the Internet, use the navigation system, watch TV or a movie and work with files and data.