Restless paparazzi from Bild

Despite all the precautions, the paparazzi from the German tabloid Bild have managed to sneak into the holy of holies: the bedroom of Roman Abramovich on his new yacht Eclipse. Photographs of the interiors boat soon disappeared from the site of publication, but if something hits the Internet, it is not easy to uproot it from there, according to Luxury Magazine. Admire the photos from Yacht Russian businessman yet you can online publications. Main cabin is designed for the owner of the vessel, is located on the sixth, the uppermost deck of the ship. Its area is 80 meters. The walls of the cabin in leather stingray, and the ceiling is extensible and can be opened and admire the stars without leaving the premises. The fourth deck there are two cabins for important guests finished teak from Myanmar. A living room for a team of 80 people located in the bow of the vessel. One of the three helipads can fall under the deck, just as on aircraft carriers. Eclipse can boast the largest swimming pool, which, if desired, converted into a dance floor. Also on the boat has a fitness room, hair salon, massage parlor, sauna, steam room and Jacuzzi. The contents of all this beauty billionaire costs of $ 100 000 per day or $ 36, 5 million a year.