Jewellery made of bones

Where not only gets jewelers search for new materials. Recently we told you about the jewelry of computer waste. Turkish designer Alp Sagnak went further, creating an expensive bracelet possum bones. The remains of an animal covered in oxidized silver, interconnected units of 24-karat gold and decorated with the design of a very impressive size rubies and diamonds. Dizaynersha itself explains the motives of the creation of such an extravagant decoration that it inspired an unusual bone structure possum. We all have different understanding of beauty, in African tribes still very fashionable to decorate themselves bones. In the rest of the world fashion for ivory ornaments took tens of thousands of years ago. But do not count on Sagnak savages, and intends to sell his creation in the New York jewelry house Atelier Minyon. Ordinary Papuan decoration have not affordable - the price of its $ 10 500.