Casserole of € 150 000

Last weekend at the exhibition Millionaire Fair presented the pan caused a stir worldwide. It is not surprising: after all, the price of the subject of kitchen utensils € 150 000. The handle and lid expensive crockery decorated with 270 diamonds and 18-karat white gold. The product of the German company Fissler how expensive, and equally impractical. Brand Manager producer Natalia Oreshkin considered a bad idea to stick pan in the oven. "It is necessary to submit a beautiful meal" - she explained. In addition to aesthetics, Ms. Oreshkin says that the dishes - a good investment. For persuasiveness she compared the pan and Porsche Cayenne, worth about the same. «Porsche Cayenne after leaving the store becomes just a pile of metal. And this - investments ", - she says. According to Oreshkin, their most expensive pot in the world and the company has already applied to the Guinness Book of Records to record a record. Other amazing lots Millionaire Fair became orange car Lamborghini for $ 729,000, a glass piano of € 110 000 and the mosaic children's eyes made of rhinestones Swarovski, for $ 3 million.