Yacht hovercraft

PoshSpace With six months ago talked about the concept of a volatile sailboat French designer Ёlkena Okturi. Now the public is presented once a bold hybrid - EkranoYacht. The project, devised a student at Monash University in Australia Jaron Dickson, was nominated for the prestigious Australian Design Award. "People are constantly looking for new ways to travel, to make their lives more dynamic - it is the idea of Dixon. - My project combines residential yacht comfort and convenience of an airplane. " EkranoYacht working on the use of "ground effect": a ship hovering at a low altitude above the water surface, supported by a dynamic air cushion. Design WIG has a length of 36, 5 m and is designed for a comfortable stay six persons. Calculated EkranoYacht speed is 400 km / h and it can move by sea at the height of waves up to 3, 5 m. While the idea of Dixon is just an interesting concept, the embodiment of which in reality only the author hopes to see in 2025. Incidentally, in the development of such vessels could say his word Russian designers. Thanks backlog left over from the Soviet defense, Russia is one of the leaders in the field ekranoplanostroeniya. But other countries are not sitting idly by, and actively developing promising direction. So the main thing is not to miss.