Retro roadster BMW 328 Hommage

Double the BMW 328 Roadster, launched in 1936, is considered one of the most beautiful cars of the last century. At the beginning of XX century. this car of the Bavarian concern has made a real revolution in the automotive industry. In honor of the 75th anniversary of "the honored veteran» BMW released a modern sports car, stylistically reminiscent of its glorious "great-grandfather." How to assure engineers, BMW 328 Hommage is developing the ideas that were laid in the car 30s. For the first time BMW has used the principle of facilitating the design in order to increase speed performance. In today's 328-meters used composite materials, thanks to which the mass of the car was only 780 kg. Silhouette of a new car great car reminds 30s. Designers abandoned doors, leaving only cut-outs on the case to make it easier to get into the car. Even the windscreen, divided in two, the car resembles the style of the era of the dawn of motor racing. Crosses in the headlights - a tribute to sports past 328 minutes: if the competition was decided to stick lights crosswise.