Heal wounds handle

Scientists from the University of Wollongong has created an innovative device that looks like a pen that is "beginning" stem cells and growth factors. Content handle, getting on the damaged tissue, it contributes to the rapid zazhivleniyu.

According to scientists, a device called BioPen, can quickly restore the skin, cartilage and bone. It will reduce the time of growing new tissue, and also to avoid the procedures for collection of tissues. Earlier, cultivation of cartilage in a special laboratory takes weeks. The cell material is enclosed in a biopolymer, is protected by an outer layer of gel and works on the principle ZD printera.

The apparatus is equipped BioPen source emitting ultraviolet light, which contributes to the solidification of the contents of the handle on the surface after sputtering. This protects the stem cells when applying them to the damaged tissue. Then they begin to multiply quickly, turning into cartilage, muscle, bone and nerve cells. As a result of the healing of complex wounds is rapid and without oslozhneniy.

According to experts, bioruchka can spray any medicines to speed up the recovery. To go to full-scale testing of new technology, scientists optimize growth of cellular material of different fabrics and organov.

Source: mirfactov.com/