May dog
"To have your feet turned out to the whole world, start with the dog" - so sounded the recommendation of Vogue magazine in 1930. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then, but the dog is started and continued to appear frequently in photo shoots and in the pages of fashion magazines - unlike other animals, they can be not only true friends of man, but also his favorite accessories, having joined in fashion the world and stay there, apparently, a very long time.
Since ancient times, the dog was a symbol of loyalty and fidelity, and a little later, and obedience. Not surprisingly, in the end, in the 20th century, they became frequent guests at many fashion shootings.
Gradually the dogs became very popular and world famous supermodels. With them, it becomes more complete and more harmonious, and more versatile.
As a result, doggies - model no longer need any models. This is called self-sufficiency of nature.
In his stellar star photo shoots are also trying to keep up with fashion friends at all times.

Since ancient times, the dog was a symbol of loyalty and fidelity, and a little later, and obedience. Not surprisingly, in the end, in the 20th century, they became frequent guests at many fashion shootings.

Gradually the dogs became very popular and world famous supermodels. With them, it becomes more complete and more harmonious, and more versatile.

As a result, doggies - model no longer need any models. This is called self-sufficiency of nature.

In his stellar star photo shoots are also trying to keep up with fashion friends at all times.