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Watching the famous world we live our life: go to school, act and finish the Institute, go to work, change it encounters other people are happy, we make rash acts, mistakes, make important decisions, creating a family to give birth and bring up children ... and our idols, it seems all the same. The paradox, but not only, we wanted to go in their shoes, but they sometimes dream to live a simple "everyday" life. How they do it, they say themselves ...
Let's start with those who have not yet come to know the joy of motherhood / fatherhood and not particularly in a hurry with this case:
Beyonce: I have ambitions. I still do not fully enjoy this beautiful world. We do not want to think anything - it happens when I'm ready for motherhood. I like new things, I like to experiment and can not imagine that I would have to stop and give all of myself to something odnomu
Cameron Diaz: The appearance of the children dramatically change your life, and I really love my life. Children - are not the only thing that will bring you satisfaction and happiness, and to give life easier than to give love, so I do not know ...
Fergie: Everyone is trying to hurry me, but for me now Black Eyed Peas all this, I have no time for a child. Even if I want to get pregnant, I would not be able to perform on stage, being in the position I would feel ill at tarelke
strangely, did not think that Jennifer Aniston because it all started: I do not feel any pressure about the child and continues to believe that all this will happen naturally. I know myself. I do not mind to do it alone, but I just do not think it would be like this. When that happens, I'll be singing, standing on a high mountain. Give me the opportunity itself to say that I have a child and do not think I'm going to adopt someone in Meksike
Leonardo DiCaprio: Do I want to be a father? Yes, but in a few years. I think I do not want my children to play the father on the big screen, as it is often said. These feelings are already there in me, and I completely understand them. As for my personal life, I have more time to be a father, and I do not want toropitsya
Enrique Iglesias about the same: I like the idea at one time to become a father, but I do not think now is the best time to do so ... I do not think that marriage necessarily make me happier. But Anna likes children, and she will be a good mamoy
but Ricky Martin warmer refers to the subject (although it already has a couple of kids from a surrogate mother): Of course I want to I had a "father's daughter." But a few years later, not now. I was very lucky that my parents supported me in this (to have children - auth.). If they did not, I still would have been very unhappy. I want my children to be schastlivymi
Well, it is commendable, especially given the "delicate" situation Rica ...
PS: perhaps the only daughter of my father's children will share tastes))
And finally unequivocal opinion Kylie Minogue: When you keep asking about it (marriage, children - Ed.), of course, you start to think about the future. But as long as I'm happy in the role of Aunt ... I was never one of those girls who dream of a wedding dress and engagement ring from childhood sada
It looks like these guys are satisfied as it is ...
now turn to the statements of the stars who have received God's gift in the form of dirty diapers, eternal weeping and continuous cost:
Jessica Alba: I learned to forgive myself for what I am not perfect, and does not put pressure on yourself. I had the reputation of a man who fiercely defend their independence. But my daughter has changed my perspective on everything. You stop being selfish and guided only by their own interests, do you want to build a life for himself and his family ... my husband and my daughter is my world.
a little bit of adequate words on Britney Spears: I am now completely different than it was before. Now I'm more mature and practical. I know what I like, and that - no. Motherhood really changes your life. You should be more careful to treat all their decisions, because they are also affected and your children. My priorities have changed and now I do everything for the sake malchikov
... My sons - they are my biggest fans (if not the only - auth.)
Owen Wilson: I've never been one of those who squeals with delight: "Oh, God! It's a little baby! Let me hold him! ". They seem so fragile, but when you get your baby, you feel more confident. Between you do have this bond, this bond with this creature, which a month ago, there has never before happened. It's so weird ...
Victoria Beckham: Maternity leave - what's that? I worked a lot, so I was well prepared for the next season. Being a working mom hard. I think the women will understand me when I say that it is like juggling glass balls ...
... If this time I will not be a daughter, perhaps I'm lucky and I have a daughter in the next pregnancy. I'm ready for a fifth child, because I really want a girl. We would like to have a big family. So it may well be ...
We are also very strictly watch how the kids are doing their homework, and when they go to sleep. I firmly believe that children need discipline. We have a chair punishment when you have something done, you sit on that chair and think about their behavior. But I never punish their children physically. I think they are very clever boys with good manerami
Pink smiled: With the birth of the baby I had to change some of their habits and acquire new ones. My life was once whiskey, tears and cigarettes ... and now it's snot, tears and the color of poop. Although I still miss the whiskey ...
that's what he thinks about the education of the newly formed Mom: I support parents who beat their children. I think parents need to beat the shit out of the children. My parents kicked me out of the house in 15 years. I deserved it. I would have kicked herself years 8. Corporal punishment helped me avoid drug and alcohol abuse, and created favorable conditions for writing pesen
modern "Mother Teresa" Angelina Jolie is decided to pause: think before you increase the family, we need to give individual attention to each of our children present. We must learn to feel them, because at different times, some of them may need you more ostalnyh
the position of the father in the face of Brad Pitt can only rejoice: I can not say that I am a terrible parent, but I will certainly make mistakes in the upbringing of children and try to correct them. I am painfully aware that my actions may leave a mark on them in these difficult years, so I have to be sure you do not bring the shit in your house. I want to teach their children to be themselves. I want them to do all examined as far as possible, and realized that they are interested in. I'm just not in any way want them meshat
surprised by the sudden recognition of Julianne Moore ... or maybe I misunderstood: In order to experience their sexuality, maybe I need to be away from children. When you are in the image of my mother, your behavior varies greatly. But I feel sexy when we are alone or with Bart, for example, when we are traveling. But the daily chores with children - school trips to the eye doctor, tearing them from playing basketball and trying to get to go to the concert - not to contribute to feel privlekatelnoy
well ... but it's true.

Let's start with those who have not yet come to know the joy of motherhood / fatherhood and not particularly in a hurry with this case:
Beyonce: I have ambitions. I still do not fully enjoy this beautiful world. We do not want to think anything - it happens when I'm ready for motherhood. I like new things, I like to experiment and can not imagine that I would have to stop and give all of myself to something odnomu

Cameron Diaz: The appearance of the children dramatically change your life, and I really love my life. Children - are not the only thing that will bring you satisfaction and happiness, and to give life easier than to give love, so I do not know ...

Fergie: Everyone is trying to hurry me, but for me now Black Eyed Peas all this, I have no time for a child. Even if I want to get pregnant, I would not be able to perform on stage, being in the position I would feel ill at tarelke

strangely, did not think that Jennifer Aniston because it all started: I do not feel any pressure about the child and continues to believe that all this will happen naturally. I know myself. I do not mind to do it alone, but I just do not think it would be like this. When that happens, I'll be singing, standing on a high mountain. Give me the opportunity itself to say that I have a child and do not think I'm going to adopt someone in Meksike

Leonardo DiCaprio: Do I want to be a father? Yes, but in a few years. I think I do not want my children to play the father on the big screen, as it is often said. These feelings are already there in me, and I completely understand them. As for my personal life, I have more time to be a father, and I do not want toropitsya

Enrique Iglesias about the same: I like the idea at one time to become a father, but I do not think now is the best time to do so ... I do not think that marriage necessarily make me happier. But Anna likes children, and she will be a good mamoy

but Ricky Martin warmer refers to the subject (although it already has a couple of kids from a surrogate mother): Of course I want to I had a "father's daughter." But a few years later, not now. I was very lucky that my parents supported me in this (to have children - auth.). If they did not, I still would have been very unhappy. I want my children to be schastlivymi

Well, it is commendable, especially given the "delicate" situation Rica ...
PS: perhaps the only daughter of my father's children will share tastes))

And finally unequivocal opinion Kylie Minogue: When you keep asking about it (marriage, children - Ed.), of course, you start to think about the future. But as long as I'm happy in the role of Aunt ... I was never one of those girls who dream of a wedding dress and engagement ring from childhood sada

It looks like these guys are satisfied as it is ...

now turn to the statements of the stars who have received God's gift in the form of dirty diapers, eternal weeping and continuous cost:
Jessica Alba: I learned to forgive myself for what I am not perfect, and does not put pressure on yourself. I had the reputation of a man who fiercely defend their independence. But my daughter has changed my perspective on everything. You stop being selfish and guided only by their own interests, do you want to build a life for himself and his family ... my husband and my daughter is my world.

a little bit of adequate words on Britney Spears: I am now completely different than it was before. Now I'm more mature and practical. I know what I like, and that - no. Motherhood really changes your life. You should be more careful to treat all their decisions, because they are also affected and your children. My priorities have changed and now I do everything for the sake malchikov

... My sons - they are my biggest fans (if not the only - auth.)

Owen Wilson: I've never been one of those who squeals with delight: "Oh, God! It's a little baby! Let me hold him! ". They seem so fragile, but when you get your baby, you feel more confident. Between you do have this bond, this bond with this creature, which a month ago, there has never before happened. It's so weird ...

Victoria Beckham: Maternity leave - what's that? I worked a lot, so I was well prepared for the next season. Being a working mom hard. I think the women will understand me when I say that it is like juggling glass balls ...

... If this time I will not be a daughter, perhaps I'm lucky and I have a daughter in the next pregnancy. I'm ready for a fifth child, because I really want a girl. We would like to have a big family. So it may well be ...

We are also very strictly watch how the kids are doing their homework, and when they go to sleep. I firmly believe that children need discipline. We have a chair punishment when you have something done, you sit on that chair and think about their behavior. But I never punish their children physically. I think they are very clever boys with good manerami

Pink smiled: With the birth of the baby I had to change some of their habits and acquire new ones. My life was once whiskey, tears and cigarettes ... and now it's snot, tears and the color of poop. Although I still miss the whiskey ...

that's what he thinks about the education of the newly formed Mom: I support parents who beat their children. I think parents need to beat the shit out of the children. My parents kicked me out of the house in 15 years. I deserved it. I would have kicked herself years 8. Corporal punishment helped me avoid drug and alcohol abuse, and created favorable conditions for writing pesen

modern "Mother Teresa" Angelina Jolie is decided to pause: think before you increase the family, we need to give individual attention to each of our children present. We must learn to feel them, because at different times, some of them may need you more ostalnyh

the position of the father in the face of Brad Pitt can only rejoice: I can not say that I am a terrible parent, but I will certainly make mistakes in the upbringing of children and try to correct them. I am painfully aware that my actions may leave a mark on them in these difficult years, so I have to be sure you do not bring the shit in your house. I want to teach their children to be themselves. I want them to do all examined as far as possible, and realized that they are interested in. I'm just not in any way want them meshat

surprised by the sudden recognition of Julianne Moore ... or maybe I misunderstood: In order to experience their sexuality, maybe I need to be away from children. When you are in the image of my mother, your behavior varies greatly. But I feel sexy when we are alone or with Bart, for example, when we are traveling. But the daily chores with children - school trips to the eye doctor, tearing them from playing basketball and trying to get to go to the concert - not to contribute to feel privlekatelnoy

well ... but it's true.