How to distinguish the original from a fake

Of course, it is unpleasant to realize that you cheated. Better knowingly buy quality copy without overpaying and enticed. But if you still decided to get the original thing is to remember that ... First of all, pay attention to the price and place of sale of the product. It is likely, and it is clear to everyone that this bag from Gucci will not be sold on the market.
But how do you know whether you are holding in the hands of a real bag or quality fake, counterfeit goods because the market is becoming more convincing. Here are some tips to help you navigate: 1. Color. We offer a closer look at the color of bags that you're going to buy, especially if you know the true color of the bag. There are obviously differences. 2. Leather. This if it is soft, what should it be? How does it smell? If the bag a mild chemical odor, it is not nothing but a fake. 3. Seams. If they are uneven and sloppy - a copy! And traces of glue certainly should not be. 4. Proportions. Hands should always be the same length. This can be seen not once, but on closer examination, though it is worth paying attention to it. 5. Packing. She has to be original!
Source: edinstvennaya.ua/view/5729