Abilities mosquitoes

The Georgia Institute of Technology have learned how to manage mosquitoes fly in the rain. Survey showed that even a collision with a drop of rain does not cause any harm to bloodsuckers, and further calculations showed why. The first version of the scientists was that mosquitoes just shy of falling drops. To confirm or disprove this theory group of researchers led by mathematician David Hu delivered the following experiment: the mosquitoes started in a container with a lid and a lattice top sprayed artificial rain. Flying insects filmed by a special camera. Thus, firstly, we found out that mosquitoes do not fly around the drop, putting even under direct blows. This insect is only slightly off track, but then aligned and continue to fly further along its route. Scientists have even calculated that in a collision with a drop of liquid on the mosquito within one millisecond overloading from 30 to 300g. In comparison, the limit of human 25g. Further experiments showed that the thing is that when faced with low inertia liquid deforms objects, but not crushed. This means that the momentum that the insect gets from the drop is relatively small.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2012/01/11/kak-komaram-udaetsya-letat-v-dozhd/