Secret unit

It would seem an ordinary two-storey concrete box erected in the pit and covered with earth, without a huge yellow diesel engines and shock absorbers tectonic shocks. However, the peeling walls, the snake brood black cables on the floor and the rust of hardware racks me, as they say, torknulo and thoughts have got pictures of the past - the sergeants Vernier rotating, flickering orange lights in flasks of tubes, fans hum, clicks toggle switches, rustling teletypewriter tapes.

Typical interior of the communication. This is minus the first floor. Tight thick bundles of wires zmeyatsya painted in green color longer and lower racks, leaving a small square end kabelnika. There are more rastekutsya gigantic hydra in hundreds of small firs antennas radiating to the sides by six straight beams, like a snowflake frosty morning.

See also: 20 exciting abandoned mansion. Abandoned hotel in Japan. UFO House in Taiwan: Abandoned futuristic ghost town. Abandoned military camp. Dead City Kadykchan. Abandoned factory Pepsi in Cambodia.
Source: ralphmirebs.livejournal.com/189896.html