The fall of the meteorite in Chelyabinsk

morning residents of Chelyabinsk and surrounding towns have witnessed the fall of the meteorite, after which recorded a deafening explosion. According to recent data, the largest fragment of a meteorite fell in the Chelyabinsk zinc plant; Information about the victims or the victims there are not postupalo.

There are also other registered places where the debris fell. Some people suggest that this is nothing but as a harbinger of approaching asteroid 2012DA14, which must fly at a record close rasstoyanii.

Scientists are much more inclined to think that it was an independent meteor rain. Also, there is a perception that a fallen meteorite can be of artificial origin. For example, the plane ("Su-27 combat kit") or a rocket (because of the North Korean test, presumably) .

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the region was a meteor rain. Machinery space monitoring before the explosion, recorded activity in the lower layers atmosfery.

Flash in the sky as observed in Yekaterinburg, which is 200 kilometers from Chelyabinsk. According to some reports, a meteorite fell on the territory of Sverdlovsk region. The fall of the meteorite were also observed in Kurgan and Tyumen oblastyah.

"In Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant shock wave was destroyed part of the wall of the warehouse portion of concentrates and knocked the glass in buildings - officially reported the press service of CZP. - There is no danger for the city in terms of ecology is not. Factory workers did not suffer ».

Head of Administration of Chelyabinsk issued an official statement in connection with the fall of the meteorite and its fragments in the South Urals. He urged the leadership of the enterprises of city workers let go home at least until lunch. The school canceled the second shift. Meanwhile, Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, about great destruction to previously reported claim that the dead and injured there.

In many homes, the shock wave blew out windows (video), some buildings collapsed roof. According to local news agencies, the hardest hit Soviet district of the city. "Local residents also noticed a drop burning objects. Some took them for aircraft. However, no aircraft is crashed in the Urals, all the flying schedule and staffing rezhime.

Meanwhile, residents of some settlements of the Chelyabinsk region, according to preliminary data, due to the fall of the meteorite fragments shattered windows of houses, "- said the source of" Interfax "in the emergency services of the Sverdlovsk region.
Source: mirfactov.com/