Upload photos to Facebook

Briton vacationing in Turkey, he received on his return to his homeland a staggering bill for £ 20 000 for mobile services. This happened after she used the phone to upload pictures taken on vacation to Facebook. Shocked by the sum of the 40-year-old Helen Christie almost fainted when she saw the numbers on the exposed her account. The amount that it requires from the mobile operator, the twice what it spent on vacation. The woman cursed the day, when it decided to put in a social network photos from your trip.

Using images to download the mobile Internet while roaming, the woman had no idea what it would cost her almost £ 4,500 per day. Helen, who lives in south-east London, was planning to buy before you travel with your provider of mobile Internet package for £ 10. However, employees of the operator Orange, whose services it uses, to dissuade her from buying, assuring that the tariff is already included some amount of traffic, which is more than enough to download a photo. Returning from vacation mother of two, faced with monthly payments of £ 4,500. After the information about the incident came to the press, and with the central office Orange contacted representatives of the media, the company agreed to reduce by £ 20 000 to £ 1500, due to "exceptional circumstances".
Source: mirfactov.com/