The river Tinto in Spain
Tinto - the river in Andalusia, Spain. It got its name (Spanish. «Tinto» - red) through the waters, colored in red. This natural phenomenon has arisen because of the high concentration of copper and iron. The fact is that along the coast for 3 000 years is conducted mining operations, which now and then fall into it. Today Tinto is one of the most acidic sites on the planet.
Rio Tinto (Rio Tinto) is known for its rich acid water (pH 1.7-2.5 factor) and a lot of heavy metals. Peak production fell to 1930, after which production declined. Copper is no longer extracted here in 1986, and silver and gold in 1996, but large mines, quarries and seizures remained, and metals continue to fall into the waters of the river.
The river originated lot of iron-oxidizing bacteria and sulfur and that their activity has caused such a deep color of water. Rio Tinto is home to thousands of other wonderful bacteria and organisms.
This unusual condition of the river caused a large-scale study conducted by Astrobiology. According to them, the river of the same type may be in other solar systems, for example in the depths of Mars. For example, the moon of Jupiter - Europe probably is oxidized ocean water, hidden under its icy surface and containing the same bacteria that Rio Tinto in Andalusia.
Partially based on studies made by the river Rio Tinto, two scientists from NASA in February 2005 stated that they found strong evidence of life on Mars. However, NASA officials have denied the statements of his subordinates, and one of the scientists later retracted his statements.

Rio Tinto (Rio Tinto) is known for its rich acid water (pH 1.7-2.5 factor) and a lot of heavy metals. Peak production fell to 1930, after which production declined. Copper is no longer extracted here in 1986, and silver and gold in 1996, but large mines, quarries and seizures remained, and metals continue to fall into the waters of the river.

The river originated lot of iron-oxidizing bacteria and sulfur and that their activity has caused such a deep color of water. Rio Tinto is home to thousands of other wonderful bacteria and organisms.

This unusual condition of the river caused a large-scale study conducted by Astrobiology. According to them, the river of the same type may be in other solar systems, for example in the depths of Mars. For example, the moon of Jupiter - Europe probably is oxidized ocean water, hidden under its icy surface and containing the same bacteria that Rio Tinto in Andalusia.
Partially based on studies made by the river Rio Tinto, two scientists from NASA in February 2005 stated that they found strong evidence of life on Mars. However, NASA officials have denied the statements of his subordinates, and one of the scientists later retracted his statements.
