Physicists believe that our universe exists within a black hole

This strange theory of physics which have been operating for a decade or can shed light on many issues that are not able to answer the famous theory of the Big Bang.
According to the theory of the Big Bang, before the universe began to expand, she was in a singular state, that is, in an infinitesimal point in space an infinite high concentration of matter. This theory helps to explain, for example, why is incredibly dense matter of the early universe began to expand in the space with great speed and formed celestial bodies, galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
But at the same time it leaves unanswered a number of important issues. Which caused the Big Bang itself? What is the source of the mysterious dark matter?
The theory that our universe is inside a black hole, can provide answers to these and many other questions. And besides, it combines the principles of the two central theories of modern physics: general relativity and quantum mechanics.
General relativity describes the universe in very large scale, and explains how the gravitational fields of massive objects such as the sun, bend space-time. A quantum mechanics describes the universe in the smallest scale - at the level of the atom. For example, it takes into account such important characteristic of particles, the spin (rotation).
The idea is that the spin interacts with the particle and cosmic time passes property called "torsion bar". To understand what torsion, imagine cosmic time in the form of a flexible rod. Bending the rod will symbolize the curvature of space-time, and twisting - torsion of space-time.
If the rod is very thin, you can bend it, but see, twisted or not, it will be very difficult. Torsion of space-time may be noticeable only under extreme conditions - in the early stages of the universe, or in black holes, where it will appear as a repulsive force is opposite to the gravitational force of attraction posed by the curvature of space-time.
It follows from the general theory of relativity, very massive objects end their existence, dumping a black hole - the area of space from which nothing can escape, not even light.
At the beginning of the universe gravitational pull caused by the curvature of space, will exceed the repulsive force of the torsion, so the matter will be compressed. But then the torsion bar will become stronger and begin to interfere with the compression of matter to infinite density. And since the energy has the ability to turn into mass, extremely high levels of gravitational energy in this state results in intensive formation of the particles, causing mass inside a black hole will continue to grow.
Thus, the mechanism involves the development of twisting striking scenario: each black hole must generate within yourself a new universe.
If this theory is correct, then the matter of which our universe is also brought from somewhere else. Then our universe should also be formed inside a black hole existing in another universe that we have to "parent».
The motion of matter at this always occurs in only one direction, which ensures the direction of time, which we perceive as progress. The arrow of time in our universe, so, too, inherited from the "parent" of the universe.