Svehlegky eco hydroplane
Developers of Finland announced a landmark event in the world of aviation, and in the segment of seaplanes in particular. Creation of the next seaplane no surprise, only if it does not work on electricity.
However, it's not just that FlyNano runs on electricity, although this is a key feature of it. In addition, the body of the seaplane made of carbon fiber, which makes it incredibly easy - just 154 kilograms. He is quiet, highly efficient and completely environmentally friendly to use. Its speed is about 140 kilometers per hour and a maximum height - more than three kilometers. Unit cost - about $ 40,000 plus $ 7,600 for the trailer and transport. Developers FlyNano yet speak only about half an hour of flight, but by the end of the year want to increase the flight time is about three times.
However, it's not just that FlyNano runs on electricity, although this is a key feature of it. In addition, the body of the seaplane made of carbon fiber, which makes it incredibly easy - just 154 kilograms. He is quiet, highly efficient and completely environmentally friendly to use. Its speed is about 140 kilometers per hour and a maximum height - more than three kilometers. Unit cost - about $ 40,000 plus $ 7,600 for the trailer and transport. Developers FlyNano yet speak only about half an hour of flight, but by the end of the year want to increase the flight time is about three times.