Astronaut one day be able to see 16 sunrises. In space they take place every half hour. Accordingly, under such conditions is very difficult to sleep. To do this, there is a simple 24-hour system, based on the "average" Greenwich Mean Time. Astronauts stand on a signal sent from a MCC-ISS.
It just so happened that while in space, due to the lack of attraction of the earth, a man becomes higher by 5-8 cm. But this phenomenon is not good for health.
In space, a person can not snore. All deviations during sleep there just do not work.
All the spices have to mix with the water making condiments to help make food tastier liquid.
The longest stay in space lasted 438 days. Valery Polyakov stayed in space for 14 months to stay on board the space station "Mir". His mission ended in '95.
Almost every astronaut experienced the space sickness. This is when the first days of stay in space without the force of attraction a person experiences symptoms of discomfort.