German scientists have invented mielofon
Scientists have developed a technology that allows you to "scan" the brain, identifying the person's intentions. Experts first achieved success in this area, and now there was a question about the ethical side of the opening.
First of all, the development of scientists can be used in the interrogation of suspected terrorists and suspected of other crimes.
"We need a discussion on the ethical aspects of" brain scan "of the consequences that may result from further research in this area, so that one day we will not be surprised possibilities of new technologies. We must be ready for the unexpected results, "- says Professor Hines.
"It is undeniable - he continues - that the methods neuroscientists are a danger to society. However, banning further research, we would have deprived, for example, some of the accused to prove his innocence. "
Designed neuroscience technologies will improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, says BBC. The ability to read human thoughts will lead to the emergence of artificial limbs and wheelchairs that will move on their own, the holder is only to think about it.
In addition, it can be invented computers capable of reading words and sentences that people formulate in my head, and transfer them to the screen.
"When you want to write a letter, you have a long and tedious to type it by hand - says Professor Hines. - Thanks to new technologies the process easier. And it costs you only think about what you want to reply to the letter, the computer will start to read your thoughts and publish them. "