Toilet with lights

I'm willing to bet that the majority of fun inventions thought up by creative people just have nothing to do and the desire stupidly neighing. Well, tell me, what is the point to put the toilet in the house with sparkling lights in the dark?
Beautiful, original - not deny it. And what is its practical sense?
Well, imagine that you have guests. And sneaking someone came to stay the night to the toilet. Rubbing sleep from his eyes, opens the door, and there - a glowing circle and fireflies everywhere. It would not have choked the poor man ...

This is all, of course, a joke. But some truth in it, anyway. The rest of the truth is that this fun device will give you an incredible feeling and emotion. I think the only positive. And if there are children in the family, and it will be fun. So accustom the child to the toilet should be smooth and successful.