Where does the old computers? (21 photos)
For example - in China. There they were dismantled for parts and apparently run frequently to the second round. And what good to disappear?
Computer Cemetery in Africa
How to make a automatic light on from the old power supply for computer
Where does the ENERGY MEN who walks
Where to go to live poets
Where do all the yolks go in my kitchen?
You would not believe, from what made these insects. Their creator incredible talent!
A day in the life of a plastic surgeon
We rented an apartment close to our mother-in-law to look after her, but we soon regretted it.
My house-garage (116 photos)
Old photos (60 photos)
Computer Cemetery in Africa
How to make a automatic light on from the old power supply for computer
Where does the ENERGY MEN who walks
Where to go to live poets
Where do all the yolks go in my kitchen?
You would not believe, from what made these insects. Their creator incredible talent!
A day in the life of a plastic surgeon
We rented an apartment close to our mother-in-law to look after her, but we soon regretted it.
My house-garage (116 photos)
Old photos (60 photos)
Spiders and their webs (15 photos)
Top FAIL pictures (25 photos)