Strange Finnish fashion (73 photos)
Look at what people are wearing in Finland.
Sovetskaya-Finnish War
The Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940 biennium).
Finnish method of teaching children
Mysteries of the Finnish school: Less learn - more you know
All pregnant women receive as a gift cartons
How an attractive woman should not dress in winter, so as not to be called a hillbilly
Why priest Andrei Tkachev asks to stop blindly following fashion
Soviet fashion (7 photos)
Opinion fashion bloggers: what it is, the fashion in their countries? (Part II)
When women will stop wearing lace, according to Alexander Vasiliev
Ripples of space-time could reveal strange stars
How did the Tesla tower power transmission - own investigation
Nokia celebrates 150th anniversary
Rapid reform of the KGB in 1991
Interesting about the baths
Why monuments?
Who fought on the side of Hitler
Museum of the defense of Leningrad
48 facts about Finland through the eyes of Russians
The benefit of a sauna
Fountain "Friendship of peoples of the USSR"
Learn how to make Finnish oven with his own hands 10 minutes
As the waste is disposed of in the economy of a full cycle
Saunalautta - unique sauna
Starting Finnish school as a mockery of worldview
Sovetskaya-Finnish War
The Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940 biennium).
Finnish method of teaching children
Mysteries of the Finnish school: Less learn - more you know
All pregnant women receive as a gift cartons
How an attractive woman should not dress in winter, so as not to be called a hillbilly
Why priest Andrei Tkachev asks to stop blindly following fashion
Soviet fashion (7 photos)
Opinion fashion bloggers: what it is, the fashion in their countries? (Part II)
When women will stop wearing lace, according to Alexander Vasiliev
Ripples of space-time could reveal strange stars
How did the Tesla tower power transmission - own investigation
Nokia celebrates 150th anniversary
Rapid reform of the KGB in 1991
Interesting about the baths
Why monuments?
Who fought on the side of Hitler
Museum of the defense of Leningrad
48 facts about Finland through the eyes of Russians
The benefit of a sauna
Fountain "Friendship of peoples of the USSR"
Learn how to make Finnish oven with his own hands 10 minutes
As the waste is disposed of in the economy of a full cycle
Saunalautta - unique sauna
Starting Finnish school as a mockery of worldview
Championship undoing bras (8 photos)
Missile launches (26 photos)