Egypt continues shark attacks on tourists (15 photos)
Shark attacks on tourists on the beaches of the popular Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh continued since early December. From terrible teeth suffered for five people: three Russian and one Ukrainian tourists as a result of these attacks were seriously injured, and on December 5, killing 70-year-old tourist from Germany. Generally, shark attacks on people - is extremely rare. For example, in the United States annually sinks about 3306 people, while the teeth of shark dies no more than one year. Still, such attacks each time bringing terror to millions of people.
After the first attack at sea came hunters sharks. I caught a shark on deck.
The day before the death of German tourists from shark teeth officials announced that swimming is safe, despite the fact that the local Association of protection and preservation of the environment expressed their doubts.
The situation in Sharm el-Sheikh tragedy repeats the story of the famous film "Jaws", shot by Steven Spielberg in 1975. In the first part of this vibrant city is also the mayor of the film is excited to announce the beaches safe, and the terrible consequences of this step are not forced to wait long.
Ongoing attacks have forced local authorities to report that they need care to cope with the situation.
The popularity of Sharm el-Sheikh with tourists from around the world is growing every year. Its beaches are located in the Bay of Naama Bay, and clean water and beautiful coral reefs create ideal conditions for diving. Now tourists are forced to bathe only on beaches where exactly no sharks.
Physical education classes with tourists is now conducted not in the water itself, but only at the very edge of it.
It is believed that in the December attacks on the people to blame oceanic whitetip shark. Authorities report that hunters caught a whitetip shark and a shark-fin mako (her relatives also famous for the fact that at various times attacked people).
Following the tragic incidents of shark attacks on tourists in Sharm el-Sheikh, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed special tips for travelers to go there. But in this situation, in fact, absolutely correct assertion that shark attacks in the Red Sea - a case out of the common, and that a person's risk of drowning or affected by lightning thousands of times higher risk of being maimed by a shark, sound kak It is not very convincing.
Divers dive center in Sharm el-Sheikh are wondering when they will be given permission to resume immersion.
Divers dive center in Sharm el-Sheikh are wondering when they will be given permission to resume immersion.
Today, the mass expressed assumptions why sharks attack with such persistence tourists. Some say that to blame the barbarous fishing, and that starving sharks finally noticed such a rich source of food, as the crowded beaches. Others say that to blame the tourists themselves, who throw food leftovers because carelessness or wanting an amazing lure fish to be photographed with her. But all this is only version.
One version even claims that shark came to the shore because of the fact that it was dumped overboard a large number of sheep that died in transit from Australia. As if they were the main attraction. The picture shows the South Sinai Governor Mohammed Shosha gives interviews to journalists.
But be that as it may, but today thousands of tourists from different countries, who arrived in Sharm el-Sheikh, are afraid to go into the water and are limited by the fact that just sunbathe on the beach and admire the sea views.
Despite all the turmoil of recent years, Sharm el-Sheikh continues to remain one of the favorite holiday destinations for millions of tourists.
And thousands of divers just waiting for the moment that, armed with mask and snorkel, go to admire the coral reefs.
After the first attack at sea came hunters sharks. I caught a shark on deck.

The day before the death of German tourists from shark teeth officials announced that swimming is safe, despite the fact that the local Association of protection and preservation of the environment expressed their doubts.

The situation in Sharm el-Sheikh tragedy repeats the story of the famous film "Jaws", shot by Steven Spielberg in 1975. In the first part of this vibrant city is also the mayor of the film is excited to announce the beaches safe, and the terrible consequences of this step are not forced to wait long.

Ongoing attacks have forced local authorities to report that they need care to cope with the situation.

The popularity of Sharm el-Sheikh with tourists from around the world is growing every year. Its beaches are located in the Bay of Naama Bay, and clean water and beautiful coral reefs create ideal conditions for diving. Now tourists are forced to bathe only on beaches where exactly no sharks.

Physical education classes with tourists is now conducted not in the water itself, but only at the very edge of it.

It is believed that in the December attacks on the people to blame oceanic whitetip shark. Authorities report that hunters caught a whitetip shark and a shark-fin mako (her relatives also famous for the fact that at various times attacked people).

Following the tragic incidents of shark attacks on tourists in Sharm el-Sheikh, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed special tips for travelers to go there. But in this situation, in fact, absolutely correct assertion that shark attacks in the Red Sea - a case out of the common, and that a person's risk of drowning or affected by lightning thousands of times higher risk of being maimed by a shark, sound kak It is not very convincing.

Divers dive center in Sharm el-Sheikh are wondering when they will be given permission to resume immersion.

Divers dive center in Sharm el-Sheikh are wondering when they will be given permission to resume immersion.

Today, the mass expressed assumptions why sharks attack with such persistence tourists. Some say that to blame the barbarous fishing, and that starving sharks finally noticed such a rich source of food, as the crowded beaches. Others say that to blame the tourists themselves, who throw food leftovers because carelessness or wanting an amazing lure fish to be photographed with her. But all this is only version.

One version even claims that shark came to the shore because of the fact that it was dumped overboard a large number of sheep that died in transit from Australia. As if they were the main attraction. The picture shows the South Sinai Governor Mohammed Shosha gives interviews to journalists.

But be that as it may, but today thousands of tourists from different countries, who arrived in Sharm el-Sheikh, are afraid to go into the water and are limited by the fact that just sunbathe on the beach and admire the sea views.

Despite all the turmoil of recent years, Sharm el-Sheikh continues to remain one of the favorite holiday destinations for millions of tourists.

And thousands of divers just waiting for the moment that, armed with mask and snorkel, go to admire the coral reefs.