In old age, the wife has changed a lot, used to be a reasonable person, and now pesters children and gives them advice.
Maturity in marriage has its advantages. First of all, it's experience. You're no longer a bratty youngster or a scared girl. You know, at least conventionally, how the world works, what to do. At least you know the basic rules. Secondly, yours. children living separately. Now you don't have to check their lessons, cook like a herd of horses, fight over their transitional age. Everything is quiet, calm and, in general, very nothing.
Peels Unless, of course, you start building your own internal problems in your head. “What about the daughter, did she eat? Maybe she's thin. She never knew how to eat properly. Or, for example, "What is it, son, he was always so modest and shy, not like those friends, future criminals." Parents who care about their children are the norm. Another thing is when their experiences cross all imaginable boundaries.
Tell me what is the name of this period in a woman’s life, when the average age has already passed, and the crisis remains? My wife is 56 and I am 58. We have been married for over 30 years and have two children. We know each other like slacks, but lately I don't recognize her at all. Not that there was any conflict between us or a really serious quarrel. Nope. But sometimes I don't know if I want to cry or laugh at her immature behavior. Why is that?
A year ago, the youngest son finally gained the courage and was able to take on all the necessary obligations that a real man must observe. I got married and I am personally very happy about it. They and my daughter-in-law are doing well, they have enough money, so they do not experience any difficulties and live separately for their own pleasure.
The eldest daughter has long been married and even managed to give me and my wife a granddaughter. The cute little girl we love is just crazy. Well, how else, at our age, young children become even sweeter and closer to the heart. Especially if they're yours, family. In general, everything is fine with our children, they have found their way in life and are confidently walking along it. So I thought we could finally relax a little bit.
But my wife, on the contrary, decided that now that the son and daughter live separately, you need, on the contrary, to go crazy and turn into a high-aged hen. She began, like a conspirator, to run from apartment to apartment and offer her help on the household to our fully grown and independent children.
The situation with my daughter was not very pleasant. The wife began to tell her how to raise her own child, how to bathe, feed, teach. Naturally, she was tired of everything and asked to take a break from going to their home. And I understand her perfectly. Who is happy to hear that you are a bad mother, and even keep yourself in control? I know how ubiquitous my wife is.
My son was pretty much the same. He hasn’t had children of his own yet, but his mother hasn’t bothered. She began to tell her daughter-in-law her innermost secrets about how to actually farm. Washing windows with vinegar, fixing socks with a light bulb and all that. And she said, "We're actually waiting for delivery, come with us." Or let's go for a walk, I'll just turn the vacuum cleaner on, or it'll be very, very loud. The wife was so hurt that she had already told all her friends on the phone.
I understand that from the outside it may seem a little far-fetched. So what is it that the mother continues to care for her adult children, she is a parent, she has such a task. But if you cook a little in this, you start to get a little bit angry and irritated. Not a topic to talk about, all kids. How are they? Are they okay? What if my son has a baby? He's not fully up yet, is he? Maybe they should move in with us. You know, right?
Like any normal man, I always have a little stash for a rainy day. And since I do not have any particularly bad habits, and I do not spend very much, at some point the money has accumulated enough. What should we do then? Spending, of course. So far, inflation has not done its voracious thing. In general, I calculated and it turned out that me and my wife can safely go somewhere warmer and not too expensive. For a week or 10 days. We will live in comfort and without unnecessary stress.
I only wanted to offer this idea to my wife, as she shared with me her thoughts on what it would be like if I sold my old car and shared the proceeds among the children. Gasoline is getting more expensive every day, we don’t have to go anywhere. I'm too old to go out into the woods like I used to. The answer to my objections was: You don’t understand anything, you’re an old egoist, you don’t like children. ?
In short, I was bothered by such results, so I was silent about my idea of rest. You know, she would have taken that money out of my hands. The character is when she's on edge I sometimes fear her. Not much. But something has to be decided, I'm not taking this stash with me to the coffin, really.
What do you recommend, dear Internet users? What do you want me to do with my beloved wife? Should we encourage the kids to talk to her? But then a real conflict can break out. Or is it just going to go away and leave it alone? As you can see, the situation is not the most pleasant for me and it would be nice to solve it without losses. At my age, I don’t want to hold anyone back. Especially for your children or even each other.

Peels Unless, of course, you start building your own internal problems in your head. “What about the daughter, did she eat? Maybe she's thin. She never knew how to eat properly. Or, for example, "What is it, son, he was always so modest and shy, not like those friends, future criminals." Parents who care about their children are the norm. Another thing is when their experiences cross all imaginable boundaries.
Tell me what is the name of this period in a woman’s life, when the average age has already passed, and the crisis remains? My wife is 56 and I am 58. We have been married for over 30 years and have two children. We know each other like slacks, but lately I don't recognize her at all. Not that there was any conflict between us or a really serious quarrel. Nope. But sometimes I don't know if I want to cry or laugh at her immature behavior. Why is that?
A year ago, the youngest son finally gained the courage and was able to take on all the necessary obligations that a real man must observe. I got married and I am personally very happy about it. They and my daughter-in-law are doing well, they have enough money, so they do not experience any difficulties and live separately for their own pleasure.

The eldest daughter has long been married and even managed to give me and my wife a granddaughter. The cute little girl we love is just crazy. Well, how else, at our age, young children become even sweeter and closer to the heart. Especially if they're yours, family. In general, everything is fine with our children, they have found their way in life and are confidently walking along it. So I thought we could finally relax a little bit.
But my wife, on the contrary, decided that now that the son and daughter live separately, you need, on the contrary, to go crazy and turn into a high-aged hen. She began, like a conspirator, to run from apartment to apartment and offer her help on the household to our fully grown and independent children.

The situation with my daughter was not very pleasant. The wife began to tell her how to raise her own child, how to bathe, feed, teach. Naturally, she was tired of everything and asked to take a break from going to their home. And I understand her perfectly. Who is happy to hear that you are a bad mother, and even keep yourself in control? I know how ubiquitous my wife is.
My son was pretty much the same. He hasn’t had children of his own yet, but his mother hasn’t bothered. She began to tell her daughter-in-law her innermost secrets about how to actually farm. Washing windows with vinegar, fixing socks with a light bulb and all that. And she said, "We're actually waiting for delivery, come with us." Or let's go for a walk, I'll just turn the vacuum cleaner on, or it'll be very, very loud. The wife was so hurt that she had already told all her friends on the phone.

I understand that from the outside it may seem a little far-fetched. So what is it that the mother continues to care for her adult children, she is a parent, she has such a task. But if you cook a little in this, you start to get a little bit angry and irritated. Not a topic to talk about, all kids. How are they? Are they okay? What if my son has a baby? He's not fully up yet, is he? Maybe they should move in with us. You know, right?
Like any normal man, I always have a little stash for a rainy day. And since I do not have any particularly bad habits, and I do not spend very much, at some point the money has accumulated enough. What should we do then? Spending, of course. So far, inflation has not done its voracious thing. In general, I calculated and it turned out that me and my wife can safely go somewhere warmer and not too expensive. For a week or 10 days. We will live in comfort and without unnecessary stress.

I only wanted to offer this idea to my wife, as she shared with me her thoughts on what it would be like if I sold my old car and shared the proceeds among the children. Gasoline is getting more expensive every day, we don’t have to go anywhere. I'm too old to go out into the woods like I used to. The answer to my objections was: You don’t understand anything, you’re an old egoist, you don’t like children. ?
In short, I was bothered by such results, so I was silent about my idea of rest. You know, she would have taken that money out of my hands. The character is when she's on edge I sometimes fear her. Not much. But something has to be decided, I'm not taking this stash with me to the coffin, really.

What do you recommend, dear Internet users? What do you want me to do with my beloved wife? Should we encourage the kids to talk to her? But then a real conflict can break out. Or is it just going to go away and leave it alone? As you can see, the situation is not the most pleasant for me and it would be nice to solve it without losses. At my age, I don’t want to hold anyone back. Especially for your children or even each other.
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