Eerie prediction of Elder Ignatius for 2024, the future is a little scary

Many people who know and believe have recently warned of serious changes in the world. Some people are willing to listen to them and change their lives. The second half continues to behave as she did, and does not notice that the world is completely different. One of the great predictors of the time was Ignatius Bryanchaninov. And although he lived more than a hundred years ago, but his predictions are relevant today. What the preacher of the early 19th century predicted today will tell the editorial office "Site"

Ignatius Bryanchaninov was a very educated and intelligent bishop. He himself came from an old noble family. At the behest of his father he entered the Military Engineering School. But already during his training he met with monks from the Valaam courtyard. Then Ignatius Bryanchaninov decided to devote his life to serving God. He graduated with honors and retired a year later for health reasons. Since during his studies he was seriously ill with tuberculosis, but managed to recover.

During his worldly life he became famous for his predictions and ability to analyze and see what will happen in the future. 100 years after his departure, the church glorified him as a saint. He was a wise man who served his purpose. In his prophecies, he repeatedly said that Russia is facing difficult times. People stopped believing in God and lost their humanity and love. Surprisingly, these words were said almost 200 years ago. And so far, little has changed today.

Even during his ministry, Ignatius Bryanchaninov was faced with the fact that not all ministers of the church are sincere people. Their faith does not come from the heart, but they do their work and do not even understand the meaning of many rituals. Every year these people become more and more. They preach false truths, and people listen to them and obey them. Humanity has lost the ability to think for itself and is waiting for someone to make a decision for them. Church leaders think about how to fill their pockets. There are only a few people who worship God and people.


Ignatius Bryanchaninov talked a lot about the events of his time. His words are still relevant today. He was talking about people, most of whom are only concerned with survival. The state does not help people in their development. It is aimed only at its own profit. The number of officials is growing and they all think about themselves. Once a large and powerful state turned into a false decaying society. People no longer trust each other, they look at each other with fear. Even in the church, they don’t feel safe.

In his writings Ignatius Bryanchaninov described this time as follows: I see people who do not look at the sky. They look down, they are afraid to leave the earth. The world is ruled by chaos and belittlement. People are willing to do anything to get as much wealth as possible, not realizing that it is meaningless in the Kingdom of God. Happiness is in eternity, but life on earth is short. It is a temporary refuge for the soul and for the realization of its true purpose.”

Ignatius Bryanchaninov’s words describe what is happening today. We can only hope that as many people as possible will read these words and reflect on their existence. They will stop for a moment and see what is going on around them, lift their eyes from the ground and see what the world has done in the pursuit of riches.


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