Father assured that the icon “Economissa” will get rid of poverty and all debts
Hard times have come for many. The priest from the monastery I went to for Christmas assured me that the icon “Economissa” would save me from poverty and all debts. Prayers in front of this icon work wonders, but the prayer words themselves have great power even if you do not have such an image at home.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what prayer to say before beautiful The Economist. Saving you from the financial crisis!
The icon "Economissa" Icon "Economissa" means "housebuilder". This is one of the five icons on Mount Athos It is the mother of God on earth. This divine face was written after the appearance of the Virgin to Elder Athanasius.
According to legend, this image appeared on Athos and saved the whole monastery from starvation. There in the tenth century because of poor harvest began famine. The monks of the monastery, unable to withstand hardships, moved to other monasteries.
Athanasius himself survived without food the longest. Powerless from hunger, the Mother of God appeared to him on the way from the monastery. He promised the monk to help the Lavra, henceforth becoming the Economist (Housing) of the monastery. The Virgin told Athanasius that from that moment on he could be calm for his abode, as she herself would be her patron.
To confirm her holy affiliation, the Mother of God ordered the elder to strike with a staff against the stone from which the holy spring flowed. Returning, the elder saw miraculously filled storerooms. Soon all the monks returned to the monastery. Since then, in this monastery of St. Athanasius there is no office of economy, and there is only an assistant to the Economy.
The icon next to the Virgin depicts Saints Athanasius of Athos and Michael of Sinad. This one icons prayTo protect the household from hunger, to give daily bread, to protect against bankruptcy and to make it easier to survive the crisis.
Prayer at the icon “Economissa” “O Most Honest Lady of the Virgin, Our All-Honorable Mati Abbess, all the Orthodox monasteries of night life, in the holy mountain of Afonste and throughout the universe of beings!”
Receive our humble prayers and bring all things to our generous God, that our souls may be saved by His grace. Look upon us in Thy merciful eye, and accomplish our salvation in the Lord, without the mercy of our Savior and Your holy intercession for us, we who are damned will not be able to accomplish our salvation, as our life in the vanities of the world is hardened, for the time of Christ’s harvest is approaching on the day of the Last Judgment.
But we, repentant, perish in the abyss of sin, negligence for our sake, according to what was said by the holy fathers, the originals of the angelic life according to the flesh: for the last monastics, by the negligence of their lives, will be likened to the worldly people, even today, for our monasticism floats with its life on the sea amidst great storms and bad weather: for our holy monasteries dwell in the dust for our sins, our All-just Lord Jesus Christ, so do we disobey, where we do not bow.
O sweetest Mati Abbess! Gather us, the scattered flock of Christ, together and save all Orthodox Christians, like a life of paradise with the angels and all the saints in the kingdom of Christ our God, to Him honor and glory with His Father without beginning and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
I also suggest you to familiarize yourself with the sincere prayer to the Mother of God, which is said in moments of despair. Helps in the most difficult life situations!
The Economist icon will help break out of poverty. The Holy Mother of God will save you from poverty. She constantly comes to the defense of her earthly children, becomes an indestructible wall between troubles and people, especially where sincere pleas for help are raised.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what prayer to say before beautiful The Economist. Saving you from the financial crisis!

The icon "Economissa" Icon "Economissa" means "housebuilder". This is one of the five icons on Mount Athos It is the mother of God on earth. This divine face was written after the appearance of the Virgin to Elder Athanasius.
According to legend, this image appeared on Athos and saved the whole monastery from starvation. There in the tenth century because of poor harvest began famine. The monks of the monastery, unable to withstand hardships, moved to other monasteries.

Athanasius himself survived without food the longest. Powerless from hunger, the Mother of God appeared to him on the way from the monastery. He promised the monk to help the Lavra, henceforth becoming the Economist (Housing) of the monastery. The Virgin told Athanasius that from that moment on he could be calm for his abode, as she herself would be her patron.
To confirm her holy affiliation, the Mother of God ordered the elder to strike with a staff against the stone from which the holy spring flowed. Returning, the elder saw miraculously filled storerooms. Soon all the monks returned to the monastery. Since then, in this monastery of St. Athanasius there is no office of economy, and there is only an assistant to the Economy.

The icon next to the Virgin depicts Saints Athanasius of Athos and Michael of Sinad. This one icons prayTo protect the household from hunger, to give daily bread, to protect against bankruptcy and to make it easier to survive the crisis.
Prayer at the icon “Economissa” “O Most Honest Lady of the Virgin, Our All-Honorable Mati Abbess, all the Orthodox monasteries of night life, in the holy mountain of Afonste and throughout the universe of beings!”
Receive our humble prayers and bring all things to our generous God, that our souls may be saved by His grace. Look upon us in Thy merciful eye, and accomplish our salvation in the Lord, without the mercy of our Savior and Your holy intercession for us, we who are damned will not be able to accomplish our salvation, as our life in the vanities of the world is hardened, for the time of Christ’s harvest is approaching on the day of the Last Judgment.

But we, repentant, perish in the abyss of sin, negligence for our sake, according to what was said by the holy fathers, the originals of the angelic life according to the flesh: for the last monastics, by the negligence of their lives, will be likened to the worldly people, even today, for our monasticism floats with its life on the sea amidst great storms and bad weather: for our holy monasteries dwell in the dust for our sins, our All-just Lord Jesus Christ, so do we disobey, where we do not bow.
O sweetest Mati Abbess! Gather us, the scattered flock of Christ, together and save all Orthodox Christians, like a life of paradise with the angels and all the saints in the kingdom of Christ our God, to Him honor and glory with His Father without beginning and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

I also suggest you to familiarize yourself with the sincere prayer to the Mother of God, which is said in moments of despair. Helps in the most difficult life situations!

The Economist icon will help break out of poverty. The Holy Mother of God will save you from poverty. She constantly comes to the defense of her earthly children, becomes an indestructible wall between troubles and people, especially where sincere pleas for help are raised.
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