How to properly sow petunia
Petunia is a perennial who decorates flower beds and verandas of private houses. The heat-loving plant can be planted at home in a pot or in a kashpo. This can be done in three ways: sow seeds in the ground, sand or snow. It is necessary to choose quality seeds in order to petunia It wasn't in vain.
Sowing petunia at home is preferably from late February to mid-March. For the seeds to rise, you need to keep them in the ground at a temperature of + 25 degrees Celsius. Today's edition. "Site" tell How to plant petunia of several varieties Not from seeds, but from dragees.
You'll need it.
Every day keep the seedlings under the lamps until the shoots appear, at night the lamps can be turned off. From time to time, open the container lid for a few hours, and when the sprouts bite, the lid should always be slightly open.
How to implement seedling different varieties at the same time, says on his channel a skilled gardener. To make sure that you did everything right, you can watch a video with detailed instructions.
In winter, it is better to keep petunia in a wet and well-lit place at +10-15 degrees. And so that the plant survives the whole winter and blooms as soon as possible, water it 2-3 times a month in the cold season.

Sowing petunia at home is preferably from late February to mid-March. For the seeds to rise, you need to keep them in the ground at a temperature of + 25 degrees Celsius. Today's edition. "Site" tell How to plant petunia of several varieties Not from seeds, but from dragees.

You'll need it.
- petunia
- container
- 1.5 mg fungicide
- soil
- coconut
- Small containers with a lid are filled with half-fluffed soil.
- Dilute 1.5 mg of fungicide in 1 liter of water and spray the mixture with a sprayer to protect the plant from fungal formations. You can also treat the soil with a solution of permanganate.
- Place on the ground a wet coconut substrate 1 cm thick and slightly tamp it. The coconut substrate will protect the plant from the black leg and help the root system develop well.
- Toothpick wet in water and spread with it 3 dragees in each container. No more, as petunia grows well.

Every day keep the seedlings under the lamps until the shoots appear, at night the lamps can be turned off. From time to time, open the container lid for a few hours, and when the sprouts bite, the lid should always be slightly open.

How to implement seedling different varieties at the same time, says on his channel a skilled gardener. To make sure that you did everything right, you can watch a video with detailed instructions.
In winter, it is better to keep petunia in a wet and well-lit place at +10-15 degrees. And so that the plant survives the whole winter and blooms as soon as possible, water it 2-3 times a month in the cold season.