Who year the Bull promises a rich personal life and true love
The bull seems like a pretty serious patron of the year. However, he is also considered an excellent family man, who is not alien to love and care. Therefore, the love forecast for 2021 is quite inspiring. The Bull has plenty of love, adventure and happiness for every zodiac sign. Ready to know what awaits you?
Then quickly start reading the love forecast, which is the editorial board. "Site" I made it for you! Don't forget to read the forecast for your husband.
The love prognosis of Aries Bull will bring a lot of new things to the personal life of Aries. What to say, you are waiting for a full of love adventures year. There is a chance that at the beginning of the year, an old acquaintance will show up and want to renew your long-standing romance. However, do not give up on the past, the future awaits. The hottest period for you is summer. If you don’t miss your chance, you won’t be alone in the cold.
The love prognosis for Taurus for 2021 is the most favorable. If you already have a relationship, it will only get stronger. Those looking for a new love will not be left without it. The main thing you need to learn in the coming year is that in relationships you often have to make compromises. Leave your stubbornness and try to hear your partner.
The owners of this zodiac sign are waiting for serious changes in their personal life. Patron 2021 will dramatically affect this area. You might have to go through a breakup. But not necessarily. Maybe instead, you and your partner will reach a new level. Remember that in a relationship it is important to always be honest. Especially to myself.
Cancer Lonely Cancers, the Bull has some good news for you. If you focus on solving your problems and don’t waste time on small things, your life will improve. You love helping others, but in 2021 it’s important to focus on yourself. Make yourself the center of the universe, and your soul mate will find you. And the most favorable period for this is spring.
Lions in the coming year on the love front will not be easy. You have to literally fight for your love, prove that you are the best. There will be passions around you, as always. If you win out of the situation, you will receive a worthy reward. Anyway, 2021 will not be boring for you. Summer is the perfect time for hot passions.
Virgo Bull has prepared something special for Virgos. The stars tell you love at first sight. You don't usually believe in such lightning-fast romances, but it's time to open up to true love. Open up and be sincere, then everything will work out. For Virgins who have already acquired family ties, the year promises to be calm. The key is not to get bored.
Libra Family Libra will have the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with the second half. There is a possibility that fate will want to test you, be prepared for separation. If you do that, the relationship will be stronger. Maybe this year will be the starting point to take your relationship to the next level. The main thing is not to give a reason for jealousy.
If Scorpio was calm, he would be terribly bored. That’s why 2021 has prepared a storm of passions for you. Family Scorpios need to prepare for a relationship. You love when emotions boil, but think about how comfortable your soulmate is in such a relationship. If you are single, be careful with new connections, there is a possibility of falling into a love triangle.
At the beginning of the year you will meet a very interesting person. If you don't miss your chance, you'll be happy all year. This is the person who can give you love and surround you with care. A new novel can turn your head, you will be inspired and happy. However, do not completely dissolve in these relationships.
For Capricorns, the coming year will be difficult in terms of love. You have a long time to have a difficult conversation with your partner. Sometimes it is better to start early than late. Don't be silent about your feelings, you'd better say it straight. Of course, you can be satisfied with what you have, you decide. If you are a single Capricorn, do not rush into a new relationship. First, figure it out.
Aquarius are waiting for changes in their personal life. A strong relationship with your partner may be at risk. Don't cut off your shoulder if your relationship is dear to you. Contain your emotions and resolve conflicts rationally. Passions will subside by autumn. Then it’s time to look back and rethink everything.
For Pisces, this year will be romantic and pleasant. A new novel is possible that will bring you many happy moments. By the way, he can grow into a serious relationship. The main thing is not to discuss with everyone your partner. Keep all your victories and defeats on the love front to yourself. Then peace and harmony await you.
2021 will be rich in new encounters, passionate romances and romantic adventures. If you have long wanted to settle down and devote yourself to creating a family, then this is the time. The bull is a faithful family man, he favors everyone who aspires to eternal values. Don't miss your chance. May your luck smile this year!

Then quickly start reading the love forecast, which is the editorial board. "Site" I made it for you! Don't forget to read the forecast for your husband.
The love prognosis of Aries Bull will bring a lot of new things to the personal life of Aries. What to say, you are waiting for a full of love adventures year. There is a chance that at the beginning of the year, an old acquaintance will show up and want to renew your long-standing romance. However, do not give up on the past, the future awaits. The hottest period for you is summer. If you don’t miss your chance, you won’t be alone in the cold.
The love prognosis for Taurus for 2021 is the most favorable. If you already have a relationship, it will only get stronger. Those looking for a new love will not be left without it. The main thing you need to learn in the coming year is that in relationships you often have to make compromises. Leave your stubbornness and try to hear your partner.

The owners of this zodiac sign are waiting for serious changes in their personal life. Patron 2021 will dramatically affect this area. You might have to go through a breakup. But not necessarily. Maybe instead, you and your partner will reach a new level. Remember that in a relationship it is important to always be honest. Especially to myself.
Cancer Lonely Cancers, the Bull has some good news for you. If you focus on solving your problems and don’t waste time on small things, your life will improve. You love helping others, but in 2021 it’s important to focus on yourself. Make yourself the center of the universe, and your soul mate will find you. And the most favorable period for this is spring.

Lions in the coming year on the love front will not be easy. You have to literally fight for your love, prove that you are the best. There will be passions around you, as always. If you win out of the situation, you will receive a worthy reward. Anyway, 2021 will not be boring for you. Summer is the perfect time for hot passions.
Virgo Bull has prepared something special for Virgos. The stars tell you love at first sight. You don't usually believe in such lightning-fast romances, but it's time to open up to true love. Open up and be sincere, then everything will work out. For Virgins who have already acquired family ties, the year promises to be calm. The key is not to get bored.

Libra Family Libra will have the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with the second half. There is a possibility that fate will want to test you, be prepared for separation. If you do that, the relationship will be stronger. Maybe this year will be the starting point to take your relationship to the next level. The main thing is not to give a reason for jealousy.
If Scorpio was calm, he would be terribly bored. That’s why 2021 has prepared a storm of passions for you. Family Scorpios need to prepare for a relationship. You love when emotions boil, but think about how comfortable your soulmate is in such a relationship. If you are single, be careful with new connections, there is a possibility of falling into a love triangle.

At the beginning of the year you will meet a very interesting person. If you don't miss your chance, you'll be happy all year. This is the person who can give you love and surround you with care. A new novel can turn your head, you will be inspired and happy. However, do not completely dissolve in these relationships.
For Capricorns, the coming year will be difficult in terms of love. You have a long time to have a difficult conversation with your partner. Sometimes it is better to start early than late. Don't be silent about your feelings, you'd better say it straight. Of course, you can be satisfied with what you have, you decide. If you are a single Capricorn, do not rush into a new relationship. First, figure it out.

Aquarius are waiting for changes in their personal life. A strong relationship with your partner may be at risk. Don't cut off your shoulder if your relationship is dear to you. Contain your emotions and resolve conflicts rationally. Passions will subside by autumn. Then it’s time to look back and rethink everything.
For Pisces, this year will be romantic and pleasant. A new novel is possible that will bring you many happy moments. By the way, he can grow into a serious relationship. The main thing is not to discuss with everyone your partner. Keep all your victories and defeats on the love front to yourself. Then peace and harmony await you.

2021 will be rich in new encounters, passionate romances and romantic adventures. If you have long wanted to settle down and devote yourself to creating a family, then this is the time. The bull is a faithful family man, he favors everyone who aspires to eternal values. Don't miss your chance. May your luck smile this year!
What to do with old New Year’s toys that have lost their shine
Dresses for the rendezvous of the year of the Bull, so that the figure-shaped lady at an age becomes a princess