“Salted” when washing clothes do not gray and do not turn yellow, clean to creak, share my secrets
The Internet is littered with tips on how to save with the help of well-known penny funds. For example, if you want to keep your terry towels soft and fluffy, add salt when washing.
At first glance, this life hack looks a little strange, but thousands of people claim it works. But are there no pitfalls in such people’s councils? Below you will find out whether to use salt during washing, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this method.
Small spoiler: Yes, salt helps, but there are nuances.
In most tips, as a copier, it is claimed that salt softens the water, helps keep your things colored and makes them soft. Is that really true?
Let's deal with the hardness of the water first. The fact is that soft water is considered that in which there are practically no salts. Accordingly, the more salts in water, the harder it is. So saying that salt softens water is a myth.
So why do people honestly believe that adding salt makes water soft? Oddly enough, the answer should be found as a result of washing.
It is believed that laundry washed in hard water becomes tougher. This is partly true, because a small percentage of salt remains on things and crystallizes after the water dries. True to the touch the difference is small, and to feel it, you need to regularly wash in different regions of the country for comparison. In the same city, the composition of the water is the same, but the result of washing may be different.
Much more often things are tanned not because of water, but because of the state of the fabric itself. So the cotton fibers are glued together because of which they lose their elasticity. This is especially evident in products with a long pile, for example, terry towels. This is where salt really comes in!
Oddly enough, the focus is not in the salt itself, but in additives to it, or rather in potassium ferrocyanide. This dietary supplement is registered as E536. It prevents the tracking and clumping of loose substances.
Ground salt absorbs moisture from the air and is glued into one solid block, and potassium ferrocyanide prevents this process. Similarly, the additive helps with washing towels: after drying, they remain soft and fluffy!
The greatest effect of potassium ferrocyanide gives when rinsing clothes. That is why in YouTube videos it is recommended to add salt to the air conditioning compartment. If you wash by hand, it is better to add salt when rinsing. And to wash things fragrant, add a few drops of aromatic oil.
YouTube Potassium Ferrocyanide has other useful properties in everyday life. For example, it is used in industry for the manufacture of pigments and in the painting of silk. This substance slows down chemical reactions and promotes better color preservation. Similarly, potassium ferrocyanide in salt helps to preserve the color of washed things. That is why rinsed in salt towels please with bright colors.
Also, the salt added to the washing machine acts as an abrasive. Salt crystals, before dissolving, have time to foam the remains of the powder, and at the same time slightly sand the towel. But abrasive at the same time accelerates the wear of the washing machine itself. So it is better to use special plastic balls for washing.
About the benefits of salt talked, time to remember and disadvantages. As mentioned above, salt crystals are abrasive. Until they are completely dissolved in water, they will work like a grater, gradually erasing the machinery of the machine.
Salt also contributes to corrosion. Talk to motorists and ask how fast cars rot after winter trips in our streets, sprinkled with salt. So don’t be surprised if one day the drum of your washing machine blossoms with red spots or the cross of its mount breaks.
If you want to save on detergents, use salt only for hand washing. The washing machine is not a place to experiment. Thanks to folk remedies, you can really save on powder and detergents. That’s just repairing or buying a new machine will cost much more than the amount saved.
At first glance, this life hack looks a little strange, but thousands of people claim it works. But are there no pitfalls in such people’s councils? Below you will find out whether to use salt during washing, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this method.
Small spoiler: Yes, salt helps, but there are nuances.

In most tips, as a copier, it is claimed that salt softens the water, helps keep your things colored and makes them soft. Is that really true?
Let's deal with the hardness of the water first. The fact is that soft water is considered that in which there are practically no salts. Accordingly, the more salts in water, the harder it is. So saying that salt softens water is a myth.

So why do people honestly believe that adding salt makes water soft? Oddly enough, the answer should be found as a result of washing.
It is believed that laundry washed in hard water becomes tougher. This is partly true, because a small percentage of salt remains on things and crystallizes after the water dries. True to the touch the difference is small, and to feel it, you need to regularly wash in different regions of the country for comparison. In the same city, the composition of the water is the same, but the result of washing may be different.
Much more often things are tanned not because of water, but because of the state of the fabric itself. So the cotton fibers are glued together because of which they lose their elasticity. This is especially evident in products with a long pile, for example, terry towels. This is where salt really comes in!
Oddly enough, the focus is not in the salt itself, but in additives to it, or rather in potassium ferrocyanide. This dietary supplement is registered as E536. It prevents the tracking and clumping of loose substances.

Ground salt absorbs moisture from the air and is glued into one solid block, and potassium ferrocyanide prevents this process. Similarly, the additive helps with washing towels: after drying, they remain soft and fluffy!
The greatest effect of potassium ferrocyanide gives when rinsing clothes. That is why in YouTube videos it is recommended to add salt to the air conditioning compartment. If you wash by hand, it is better to add salt when rinsing. And to wash things fragrant, add a few drops of aromatic oil.

YouTube Potassium Ferrocyanide has other useful properties in everyday life. For example, it is used in industry for the manufacture of pigments and in the painting of silk. This substance slows down chemical reactions and promotes better color preservation. Similarly, potassium ferrocyanide in salt helps to preserve the color of washed things. That is why rinsed in salt towels please with bright colors.

Also, the salt added to the washing machine acts as an abrasive. Salt crystals, before dissolving, have time to foam the remains of the powder, and at the same time slightly sand the towel. But abrasive at the same time accelerates the wear of the washing machine itself. So it is better to use special plastic balls for washing.

About the benefits of salt talked, time to remember and disadvantages. As mentioned above, salt crystals are abrasive. Until they are completely dissolved in water, they will work like a grater, gradually erasing the machinery of the machine.
Salt also contributes to corrosion. Talk to motorists and ask how fast cars rot after winter trips in our streets, sprinkled with salt. So don’t be surprised if one day the drum of your washing machine blossoms with red spots or the cross of its mount breaks.

If you want to save on detergents, use salt only for hand washing. The washing machine is not a place to experiment. Thanks to folk remedies, you can really save on powder and detergents. That’s just repairing or buying a new machine will cost much more than the amount saved.
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