Only a few will be able to compete with the great in the sharpness of mind, continuing unexpected and sometimes controversial quotes.

We all use quotes from famous people from time to time. For some, this is an opportunity to shine with erudition, and for others, the final argument in a protracted dispute. But for me, for example, the famous aphorisms are also a kind of challenge. They give us the opportunity, even in absentia, to compete with the great in the sharpness of mind. Try to correctly continue the catchphrases of Ranevskaya, Nietzsche and Dostoevsky. Yes, some of them look extremely controversial today. But the more exciting and difficult the task!

Quotes from famous people
  1. “If a woman has a developed intellect, then ...” (Friedrich Nietzsche)

    (a) it is most pleasant to engage in various follies;
    (b) she does not need compliments;
    (c) she is deprived of beauty;
    (d) she will never marry a fool;
    (e) she's not all right with her sexuality.

  2. “I have no idea what the fuck I have.” Those who are interested in them are just losers. (Stephen Hawking)

    GettyImages (a) bank account;
    (b) bicep volume;
    (c) iPhone;
    (d) IQ;
    (e) social status.

  3. “To a woman who knows how to feel passion” (Yves Saint Laurent)

    GettyImages (a) will suit any outfit;
    (b) no cosmetics are needed;
    (c) patience will be required;
    (d) great power is given.

  4. “I’m not young enough to...” – Oscar Wilde
    (a) to marry again;
    (b) in a hurry;
    (c) know everything;
    (d) have fun for no reason;
    (e) to see the beautiful.
  5. “If the patient really wants to live” (Faina Ranevskaya)
    (a) he enjoys every ray of the sun;
    (b) he does not go to the hospital;
    (c) then he cannot tolerate his relatives;
    (d) doctors are powerless;
    (e) so he still hopes for happiness.
  6. "There is no word in my dictionary..." (Napoleon Bonaparte)

    (a) defeat;
    b) derogation;
    (c) fear;
    (d) usurper;
    (e) impossible.

  7. “Stop reading books means ...” (Fyodor Dostoevsky)


    (a) stop thinking;
    (b) start writing them;
    (c) be no better than one who cannot read;
    (d) become like everyone else.

Continuation of controversial quotes
  1. If a woman has a developed intelligence, She's not all right with sexuality.. Today, for such a statement, any celebrity would immediately be canceled. But in Nietzsche’s time, this attitude toward women was considered commonplace. The philosopher believed that intelligence and sexual satisfaction simply could not coexist in the same woman. After all, a truly intelligent woman can not be popular with men and is not able to fully surrender to passion.

    But standards are changing. And for a reason in the popular series “The Big Bang Theory” the phrase “Smart is new sey” sounds. It seems that in the age of the Internet, intelligence is becoming the most sexual trait in a person. Thus, Nietzsche’s quotation remains only a strange monument to a bygone era.

  2. “I have no idea what I have. IQ. Those interested in their IQ are just losers. Hawking was convinced that there are many more useful and interesting things to do than measuring one’s own intelligence. But the Internet is still full of publications, which for some reason compare the IQ of Einstein and, for example, Marilyn Monroe.
How to end the aphorism "A woman who knows how to feel passion, makeup is unnecessary, said the great couturier. “It’s strange, but the face of a woman caught in passion becomes like that of a young girl,” Akutagawa Ryunoske echoed him. “I am not young enough to know? Einstein famously said, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” Surprisingly, both the physicist and the lyricist came to the same idea in different ways. “If the patient wants to live very much, doctors are powerless? The Soviet queen of self-irony left behind a lot of daring and sometimes obscene expressions, which can be quoted endlessly. “There is no word in my dictionary "impossible."? The great commander believed that he could do everything. And maybe that’s why he won so many victories. “To stop reading books is to stop reading books.” stop thinking," wrote Dostoevsky. However, not all celebrities agree with him. Thus, the German philosopher Schopenhauer, on the contrary, considered reading only a surrogate of his own thinking. According to him, when reading, you only "let the outsider lead your thoughts in the help of his thoughts."

That's the test we got. We hope that its passage lifted your spirits and may have inspired you to re-read the works of one of the authors presented in our selection of quotes.

The article and the preview used photos.


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