After the words said by her husband, she recognized his true face and began to worry about her daughter, but one day everything turned upside down.

The influence of fathers on children is greatly underestimated. Olga always loved her husband, but she knew him well. The true nature of despot and tyrant. She tried to protect her daughter from her father as best she could. However, all efforts were in vain...

The influence of Olya's fathers met Denis many years ago. Then she was an immature infantile girl who wanted to be cared for by a strong man. She wanted him to take care of all the worries and worries. That’s the kind of person that got in her way soon. Denis was ten years older. At the time, it didn’t bother her much, although all her friends told her to be careful.

The lady enjoyed that behind her Den she was right behind a stone wall. He paid all her bills, showed that he loved her, took her on dates, and gave her gifts every week. But Olya did not notice how much Denis began to limit her. She almost stopped seeing her friends and going somewhere without him.

At first, the cavalier did not exert any pressure, but over time Olya began to notice that she was increasingly subject to his influence. She was afraid to make him angry or hurt. The relationship continued to develop, and a year later Denis insisted on the wedding. Olga was not ready for such a serious turn, but could not refuse.

The wedding was incredibly beautiful. The guests were amazed at the generosity of the host, who did not take his eyes off his stunningly beautiful bride. Olya glowed with happiness. Although, to be quite honest, she could not say for sure whether her husband is happy or just a beautiful wedding. At some point, she felt like everything was not happening to her.

Family life with a tyrant Family life began calmly. The young spent their honeymoon in the Maldives, where Denis fully got used to the role of her husband. But Olya felt more like her master, not her husband. In principle, she was satisfied with everything for a long time. The problems began when the wife found her calling.

Olya graduated from the Art Academy and was seriously interested in art. Two years after the wedding, she realized that she wanted to be a professional artist. To do this, you had to attend courses and spin in circles of the same people. Except Denis didn't like it. He was more satisfied when his wife sat at home and quietly painted for herself.

Several scandals led Ole to forget about his dream. It wasn’t about her, it was about her daughter Lisa. Toy recently turned 10, and Olya very much did not want to be overtaken by the same fate. The influence of fathers on children is strong, especially if these fathers are despots.

The influence of fathers on young daughters, Denis said that he would not allow his daughter to engage in any nonsense. Unfortunately, Lisa has already adopted from her mother love of drawingMy mom really wanted her to do what she loved. In addition, Olga was pleased that the child inherited such a passion from her.

The attempt to persuade the husband to meet the child was in vain. He just yelled at his wife and said that she had been engaged in complete nonsense for half her life. He had never used such words before. Now Ole was hurt and hurt. She tied her life with a soulless and cruel man. Thus, she condemned her children to a difficult life.

Olya thought about it all when she returned home after going to the grocery store. She had a surprise at home.

Lisa and Dad were sitting in the kitchen and talking hotly. Nearby were scattered markers, pencils and albums. A lot of drawings were lying around, and the face of the husband was somehow wet.. The husband’s hand was constantly lying on some portrait, which, apparently, was painted by his daughter. Olya gently moved her hand and saw that this was his portrait, or rather, this image of mom and dad. Lisa was a very talented child.

Vital wisdom: what this story teaches us Denis covered his face with his hands and cried. He said he came home, saw his daughter draw all her albums, and yelled at her. Then she gave him this portrait and said something. Denis told his wife that he felt like a terrible person. His eyes finally opened and he realized what he had done with his wife and what he wanted to do with his daughter’s fate.

What words do you think changed Olga’s husband? Perhaps not all people are lost, just no one can find the right words to change their perception of the world. Love your loved ones, give them space to grow and always look for the right words.


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