I put a wet napkin on my shoes right in the store, make sure the seller is brazenly cheating.
Skin stuff. They are in great demand in the market. First, thanks to high quality, they can serve their master faithfully for many years. Secondly, leather products look stylish and successfully complement any image.
However, it is not always clear what material the bag, shoes or wallet is actually made of. There are many ways. How to verify the authenticity of the skin. If you do not want to fall for the bait of a cunning seller, be sure to read our article. In it we will tell about all the tricks of checking leather things.
It used to be a lot easier to check if it was leather. And they did it in every way: they crumpled, rubbed, and even smelled the material. Indeed, the skin has a special characteristic aroma that cannot be confused with anything. Only now modern manufacturers have long learned to make a very high-quality leather substitute. There are even special sprays with the smell of skin.
Artificial skin was once associated only with questionable quality dermatin. However, now in stores and the Internet there are a huge number of products made of eco-leather. Very often in its parameters it is not inferior to natural skin. Moreover, the two materials are so similar that they are difficult to distinguish from each other.
In such situations, small tricks come to the rescue. Everyone knows that natural skin absorbs moisture well. If you wet a leather thing, it will remain a wet trace. Of course, we do not suggest going shopping with a bottle of water.
However, there is a simpler option: It is enough to attach a wet napkin to the product. Just 10 seconds is enough for a noticeable trace to remain on the skin. After drying, it completely disappears. But if it is not at all, then there is a piece of leather in front of you. For such a check it is important to use wet wipes without alcohol and oils.
Natural skin retains heat, but artificial skin does not. To check the material, you can tightly press your hand against it for 15-30 seconds. And then lean the product to the cheek. If you feel the heat, it's made of leather. And if you don't, then you're holding a leather substitute.
The thing can also be inspected carefully. Usually, manufacturers of leather shoes or clothing do not hide the ends of leather plates in the seams. And those who make things out of artificial leather, try to hide everything.
If you have already purchased something and want to check what material it is made of, there is another method. Take a thin needle and pierce the material in the most invisible place. Through the real skin, the needle will pass very easily, and through the eco-skin - with creaking.
You can check the authenticity of the skin by pressing on the thing or slightly stretching the material. If it quickly returns to its original shape, it means it is real skin. It won’t change color if you manipulate it. And leather under tension or compression can slightly change the shade.
On leather and artificial material, pores can be considered. If the skin is real, they will be placed arbitrarily and different from each other. If the material only mimics the skin, then the pores will be absolutely the same.
Responsible manufacturers in addition to the product attach a sample of the material. This label comes in many forms. For example, if it is made in the form of a diamond, then the thing is made of a leather substitute. And if the label looks different, then you have a leather product.
There may also be a mark on the label. In English, real leather sounds like true leather, in Italian – vera pelle, in French – cuir, and in German – echtleder.
from the editorial board, however qualitative leatherPeople are increasingly refusing to buy them. In small steps, the world is moving towards a more humane attitude towards animals. So it is not surprising that their exploitation in the textile industry will sooner or later come to naught.
We believe that people will become more aware. But we're not asking for anything. It's up to you to decide whether to wear leather. By the way, if you know other ways to verify the authenticity of this material, feel free to share your tricks in the comments!

However, it is not always clear what material the bag, shoes or wallet is actually made of. There are many ways. How to verify the authenticity of the skin. If you do not want to fall for the bait of a cunning seller, be sure to read our article. In it we will tell about all the tricks of checking leather things.
It used to be a lot easier to check if it was leather. And they did it in every way: they crumpled, rubbed, and even smelled the material. Indeed, the skin has a special characteristic aroma that cannot be confused with anything. Only now modern manufacturers have long learned to make a very high-quality leather substitute. There are even special sprays with the smell of skin.

Artificial skin was once associated only with questionable quality dermatin. However, now in stores and the Internet there are a huge number of products made of eco-leather. Very often in its parameters it is not inferior to natural skin. Moreover, the two materials are so similar that they are difficult to distinguish from each other.
In such situations, small tricks come to the rescue. Everyone knows that natural skin absorbs moisture well. If you wet a leather thing, it will remain a wet trace. Of course, we do not suggest going shopping with a bottle of water.

However, there is a simpler option: It is enough to attach a wet napkin to the product. Just 10 seconds is enough for a noticeable trace to remain on the skin. After drying, it completely disappears. But if it is not at all, then there is a piece of leather in front of you. For such a check it is important to use wet wipes without alcohol and oils.
Natural skin retains heat, but artificial skin does not. To check the material, you can tightly press your hand against it for 15-30 seconds. And then lean the product to the cheek. If you feel the heat, it's made of leather. And if you don't, then you're holding a leather substitute.
The thing can also be inspected carefully. Usually, manufacturers of leather shoes or clothing do not hide the ends of leather plates in the seams. And those who make things out of artificial leather, try to hide everything.

If you have already purchased something and want to check what material it is made of, there is another method. Take a thin needle and pierce the material in the most invisible place. Through the real skin, the needle will pass very easily, and through the eco-skin - with creaking.
You can check the authenticity of the skin by pressing on the thing or slightly stretching the material. If it quickly returns to its original shape, it means it is real skin. It won’t change color if you manipulate it. And leather under tension or compression can slightly change the shade.

On leather and artificial material, pores can be considered. If the skin is real, they will be placed arbitrarily and different from each other. If the material only mimics the skin, then the pores will be absolutely the same.
Responsible manufacturers in addition to the product attach a sample of the material. This label comes in many forms. For example, if it is made in the form of a diamond, then the thing is made of a leather substitute. And if the label looks different, then you have a leather product.
There may also be a mark on the label. In English, real leather sounds like true leather, in Italian – vera pelle, in French – cuir, and in German – echtleder.
from the editorial board, however qualitative leatherPeople are increasingly refusing to buy them. In small steps, the world is moving towards a more humane attitude towards animals. So it is not surprising that their exploitation in the textile industry will sooner or later come to naught.

We believe that people will become more aware. But we're not asking for anything. It's up to you to decide whether to wear leather. By the way, if you know other ways to verify the authenticity of this material, feel free to share your tricks in the comments!
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