What does 52-year-old Julia Roberts look like?

Hollywood beauty and the most popular escaped bride is rightfully considered the best actress in the genre of romantic comedy. Of course.Julia RobertsIn addition to the “Oscar” and “Golden Globe”, five times received the title of the most beautiful woman in the world in the ranking of People magazine! Her curly curls are envied by fashionistas, and with a smile can be compared only the smile of Mona Lisa.

It is hard to imagine, but today, October 28, the actress celebrates the anniversary – she turns 52 years old! What is the secret to the success of everyone’s favorite movie star?

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What only evil tongues did not speak about her: ugly mouth, red, rough face, too thin... But Julia Roberts with her head held high survived all the ridicule and proved to the whole world that even at 49 you can be a beauty without the intervention of plastic surgeons, have unreal magnetism and be a “Hollywood smile”.

Editorial "Site" I am very happy for Julia and have prepared for you a selection of her images.


The world has just met the talented Julia, but has already fallen in love with the young actress.


The beloved film “Pretty Woman” raised Julia Roberts to the top of fame. Her work even got into the nomination “Best female role”.


Julia, 26, looks like a girl. It is unusual to see her with straight hair.


She's 30 years old here. It's very old, but look at that smile. Detractors called it horse, but such beautiful and healthy teeth can only be envied. Besides, Julia's smiling. She happily discovered the secret of her snow-white teeth: every morning she brushes them with crushed strawberries and fluoride paste. Take note - it's berry season.


Julia Roberts won an Oscar. The achievement is, of course, beyond all praise. But look, there's not a ton of makeup on your face, and it looks perfect. The skin is smooth and wrinkled. Her secret is simple: she adds olive oil to all her moisturizers. And before going out on the red carpet in open shoes, she always rubs her feet with this oil for the night so that they are ready in the morning.


The profession of an actress requires frequent and radical experiments with hair. To keep them in good condition, Julia makes masks with the same olive oil. And of course, proper nutrition.


It's hard to believe, but Julia Roberts has been here for 40 years! Not even her neck was affected by years. By the way, the skin of the actress is prone to pigmentation, so sunscreen is her best friend throughout life. It has long been known that the sun has a bad effect on the skin, leaving pigment spots and wrinkles. And of course, the smile, according to the actress, is the main thing. feminine-beauty.


The elegant Julia is in great shape. To keep the body in good shape, she is engaged in fitness, pays special attention to the legs and ass, because these are the most problematic places in women. And she never ignores breakfast.


As always, well-groomed, stylish and with minimal makeup. “Turn your eyelashes and shape your eyebrows correctly. If you do that, then you don’t need makeup, Julia said in an interview. You can agree with her, because the result is amazing.


Look at the fire in her eyes. Julia is really inspiring! She's 46 years old and she hasn't even given herself Botox.


“The best means are hugs and kisses of the beloved.” I agree, because the most important thing for a woman is to feel loved. Then not only she is happy, but everyone around her.


Yes, there are facial wrinkles, but behind a smile they are even invisible. Be in a good mood, be able to enjoy life, and you will always be young!


It has been 26 years since Julia Roberts first appeared on the cover of People. 26 of them! Then this curly beast was just beginning its stellar journey. And now she has many young competitors, but Julia is still deservedly considered a beauty. Applause!


“In fact, the secret of beauty is simple: happiness and inner peace keep a woman beautiful. The love of the man you chose for yourself. It's so simple that we forget. A woman in love and loved is always beautiful, there is no need for any tricks and tricks, says Julia.

The actress surprised fans, saying that she will no longer star in comedies. She will give preference to dramatic projects.

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Julia Roberts is really inspiring and proves by her example that there is no better means for beauty than a smile and natural ingredients. Write us in the comments, if you agree with this opinion, and do not forget to share interesting information with your friends on social networks!


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