Nyudomania: 10 ideas of stylish manicure in calm tones Not just beige and pink!

Manicure in nudes This is a classic that allows any woman to look well-groomed and elegant. But this coverage is influenced by fashion trends. The role is played by color, texture, and drawings. Hard to believe it, but even nails in muffled tones can look, to put it mildly, not very.

Editorial "Site" I have prepared a selection of fashion photos for you. Noise manicure 2018 years. Perfect for the spring-summer season.

Fashionable manicure
  1. It looks very beautiful when the nails varnish in the same range, but different shades. Unusual and gentle.

  2. Great for spring. Drawings in the form of willow twigs and pastel green perfectly dilute the peach color.

  3. One-ton coating is almost a win-win option. Just consider the tone of the skin of the fingers, so that the nails do not look lifeless.

  4. Nude colors look very good in tandem with sequins and stones. It doesn't look cheap or cheap at all.

  5. Make accents on 1-2 nails in the form of spring drawings. It is very fresh and feminine.

  6. Originally looks nude manicure with the effect of broken glass.

  7. Very beautiful and delicate shades.

  8. With such nails spring mood is guaranteed.

  9. This year, drawings in the form of various curved stripes are very relevant.

  10. Unusual drawings will make your nails irresistible.

Nude shades on the nails look very noble and emphasize femininity. But it can be very difficult to choose your perfect color, with which the nails will not look lifeless. To choose a shade that will suit your skin tone, we advise you to use this trick.

Tell us in the comments what colors you prefer in manicure. And also share a selection with friends in social networks!


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