What should be in the makeup of a luxurious woman

Every woman is beautiful. makeup - even better. Various means help to emphasize all the advantages, hide small shortcomings and remove traces of fatigue. That's just, depending on the period of a woman's life, makeup should have a different filling. As in youth, during menopause, you need to choose the right cosmetics.


Hormonal restructuring of the body leads to many changes in the body, including the skin. Therefore, makeup artists are advised to choose cosmetics that would not interfere with the skin to breathe and visually rejuvenate. Editorial "Site" He will tell you what should be in makeup during menopause.

Before you go to cosmetics, it is worth remembering that properly selected skin care is 80% of successful makeup. Dehydration is one of the most common problems, which is often accompanied by a greasy shine caused by a violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, good hydration is the main thing. But only after high-quality cleaning. Also pay attention to serums with acids, which will help to align the relief and tone of the skin.

Contents of cosmetics
  1. mating primer
    Choosing a remedy, pay attention to moisturizing options that will simultaneously seal moisture in the skin and save from dehydration. In this case, they will be most appropriate. Apply the product on the whole face as a basis for makeup. This will help to remove the greasy shine, because of which the makeup floats, and also give the face more freshness. 28


  2. Tone.
    With age, the skin is about the same as with hair: gradually it becomes lighter and acquires a whitish hue. In this beautiful period of life, avoid dense textures, because they will emphasize all wrinkles, and shades with a pink tint (even if you have always bought them before). Makeup artists are advised to opt for BB- and CC-creams. They take care of the skin and align its tone. But if you are determined to use only dense tonal creams, apply them to the center of the face and rub a thin layer to the periphery.


  3. Shining.
    Return the radiance of youth will help highlighters and powders with reflective particles. The main thing is not to overdo it. Choose products with the smallest grinding of shimmer, and not white, not blue, not pink, but a peach shade. Then the skin glow will be fresh. Active highlighters can be applied to the cheekbones, under the eyebrow and above the upper lip. And powder on the face.


  4. Conciliator
    This is definitely the main product in the updated cosmetics. Bruises under the eyes do not paint anyone, so it's time to get a good consilier. When choosing a masking agent, it is worth remembering that during menopause, the already thin skin of the eyes becomes even more sensitive, so give preference to liquid consoles with a light pink or peach subtone.


  5. rumen
    Most women during menopause are contraindicated pink blush, or the so-called frosty blush. The only exception is dusty shades. Periodically, women are overtaken by hot flashes, which causes the face to turn red. Pink blush will only emphasize the already scarlet skin color. Your option is peach blush.


  6. Sculptor
    A special powder with a cold brown undertone (but not gray) will become your friend. A decrease in skin turgor leads to the loss of a clear facial oval. A little shadow under the chin and further along the line to the ears will help build more noticeable outlines and rejuvenate a little. You do not need to emphasize the cheekbones, as well as draw lines on the wings of the nose. Just a chin, nothing superfluous.


  7. Eyebrows and eyes
    Remember: no clear and dark lines on your eyes and eyebrows. Fatal arrows and graphic eyebrows are in the past. Hair on the eyebrows should be drawn with a light pencil, without going beyond the natural form. Do not circle your eyes, but walk along the line of eyelash growth along the upper eyelid. Give up dark pencils and eyeliners, because they can leak. Choose crumbly shadows of soft shades.


  8. Lips
    But the lips should be clear and juicy. With age, the lips lose their former shape and volume, and the skin around is covered with wrinkles. Accordingly, the first thing you need to get a pencil for the contour of the lips and lipstick. For natural makeup, the shade of lipstick should be a couple of tones richer than your lip color (as in youth).


Makeup for mature women has its own characteristics. The main task is to hide wrinkles and return the lost oval to the face. Of course, if the condition of the skin allows, then you can safely apply dark shadows, draw arrows and do active sculpture. Don’t forget that cosmetics only have a visual effect.

To maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, you need to eat right, exercise, spend time in the fresh air and just love yourself.

We also talked about how a mature woman can take care of her health.

Tell us in the comments what is on this list in your makeup. Share the article with your friends on social networks!

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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