Where you can not put a room cactus and when you need to get rid of it

Room cactus Not as simple a plant as it may seem at first glance. It is associated with a large number of signs and superstitions. It is said to have a dual energy. The spines carry a negative, and the moisture inside the cactus is positive. But how can all this affect the atmosphere in the apartment and where under no circumstances should you put a room cactus? In this article, the editorial board "Site" answer all the questions.

It is believed that the more thorns a cactus has, the more aggressive its energy. The worst effect of the plant is on quiet and indecisive people. So avid introverts who are far from society, it is better not to keep cacti in the apartment.

At the same time, by nature, confident leaders, this plant can, on the contrary, help. In other words, due to dual energy, the cactus is able to double the positive and negative depending on which traits in the host are more.

Indoor cactus has positive characteristics. First, it serves as a kind of shield, reflecting bad energy. No wonder they say that no thief will climb into a house in which there are cacti.

Secondly, it is able to absorb all the negativity that comes into the house or arises in it. For example, if the apartment often quarrels, the plant can take on aggression and resentment. In addition, the cactus improves concentration and mental activity. That is why it is so often placed near the desktop and in offices.

Where to keep a room cactus Don't be afraid of cacti. Keeping them at home is safe and even helpful. The main thing is to choose the right (preferably young) plant and its habitat. For example, if you have never bought a house cactus, choose a green friend with small thorns.

The best places for a cactus are kitchen, window sills, work or computer desk, as well as the hallway. If you want to put a plant on the way out of the apartment, make sure it gets enough light.

Experts do not advise to settle the cactus in the bedroom, children's room and living room. Despite its positive qualities, in these rooms the cactus can affect a person negatively. For example, a plant standing near a bed disturbs sleep and causes headaches.

In children can banally hurt on the sharp spines of the plant. Nor will they be able to appreciate its importance. A cactus can develop aggression and other negative qualities in a child. And in the rest room, the cactus will simply prevent a person from relaxing properly.

It is believed that the indoor cactus protects its owner from otherworldly forces and evil. However, this is only possible if a person sincerely believes in the power of his plant and carefully watches it. A cactus needs the love and care of its owner.

It also happens that the cactus simply does not accept its owner. It is very simple to determine this: if you feel worse when you are in the same room with a plant, then you need to get rid of it. And if you follow the Chinese teachings of feng shui, then it is better not to start a cactus at all.

By the way, some people make cactus amulets. To do this, it is enough to collect a few spines of the plant and place them in a small glass jar from which you can make a pendant. Also, thorns are buried in the ground near the house so that they protect the house from any negative.

People say that unmarried women should not keep a cactus at home. The needles of the plant will prevent you from finding your second half. Moreover, it is believed that men in principle do not get along with cacti in the same territory.

If your cactus has blossomed, that's good luck. That means you'll be lucky soon enough. It is also a sign that the desired wedding or long-awaited pregnancy is not far off. But if a cactus has been living in one of your rooms for a long time and has never bloomed, this means that the room is saturated with negative energy.

Cactus can be taken as a gift, but only if it blooms. A non-flowering prickly plant is a harbinger of quarrels and troubles. If you want to settle a cactus on your desktop, there are also nuances.

Putting the plant to your right, you will attract inspiration and strength to work. Putting a cactus on the left will make you feel bad and attract negativity. A plant in the middle of the table will distract and interfere with the thought process.

That's all the wisdom for today. We hope this article was useful for you, and now you will definitely decide whether you should start a room cactus at home. By the way, if you believe in the power of energy, be sure to read our article on this topic. On the link you will learn where you should not put the trash can in the apartment, so as not to cause trouble. Enjoy your reading!


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