How to create a friendly atmosphere in the family

Previously, no one could think that in the maternity ward can be someone other than the mother and midwives, now partner childbirth will not surprise anyone. The presence of a husband during childbirth has long been a normal practice. However, some parents went further. Some mothers allow older children to be present when brothers or sisters are born.

So did the heroine of our history. Catherine Cook. Today's edition. "Site" She tells you her story, and she's also thinking about whether it's right to invite children to the maternity ward.

During pregnancy, older children often feel insecure and even devastated. The mother is busy with the troubles of the future baby, and the children are left alone with many questions and their worries. Soon there will be another person in their family, it will take time to accept it.

However, this does not happen to everyone, some children are looking forward to the birth of a brother or sister and even want to see it. That happened to 10-year-old Kayla. Her mother, Catherine Cook, was preparing for the birth of her third child and invited her eldest daughter to attend.

Many children would have been frightened or at least surprised by this offer, but Kayla happily agreed. She spent all the time with her mother and was one of the first who was lucky enough to pick up and hug a newborn baby.

This story in his Instagram shared photographer Paulina Splechta, who specializes in shooting the birth process. The photographer herself admitted that she had previously thought about allowing the eldest daughter to attend the birth of the youngest. Then the plan was not realized, but thanks to the Cook family, she was able to watch such an event.

Neither the parents, nor the medical staff, nor the photographer could foresee how the birth would go and how little Kayla would react to it. However, everything went well: both mother and baby coped with their tasks. It was important for Katherine to feel the support of her daughter, and for Kayla it was an incredible experience.

The girl did not restrain her emotions. In the pictures of Paulina Splechta you can see how at first Kayla was extremely excited, and then became enthusiastic. We think that now between senior It'll make a special connection. Paulina’s subscribers appreciated her photos, noting how sincere emotions she managed to capture.

However, not everyone was delighted. Many criticized the mother for such a peculiar decision and said that the little girl has no place in the maternity ward. People are literally divided into two camps. After all, it is difficult to say how natural it is for a child to be present at the birth of his mother.

Doctors did not agree, but everyone agrees on one thing - the final decision is up to the family. It is necessary to take into account many factors: psychological readiness of the child, his age and character. Some doctors insist that children under 5 are too young for such an unusual experience. You also need to take into account the nature of the mother, because the presence of the older child can only complicate the already difficult process.

It is difficult to say whether it is necessary to take the child to the maternity ward. Children over 10 years old They understand a lot, and it will be quite difficult for them to cope with what they see. The most difficult thing is to see the pain and suffering of the mother. Children's psyche is vulnerable, and you can not foresee how the child will cope with such a shock.

If you still decide on such an event, you need to prepare the child. Parents should approach this issue carefully and explain to their child what they can see. The child should be aware and mentally prepared for this. In medical institutions that practice this, children and parents are also provided with all the necessary assistance.

In general, the issue is quite controversial and controversial, it is impossible to say for sure. Survivors of this experience families assure that for older children it was not a trauma. And you can see how Kayla glows with happiness, hugging her sister. Other parents think this is too much. What do you think? Would you do something like that yourself? Tell me in the comments.

Today, alternative births are popular among mothers. Young mothers are looking for more natural and optimal ways to have a baby. There is no place for conservatism in modern society. So do not fear anything and make a decision based on what your heart tells you.

Many husbands are present at the birth of their wives. For example, Prince Harry was with Meghan Markle at the time of the birth of their first child.

Photo in article and preview by Paulina Splechta.


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