Why weather forecasters are upset by the weather forecast for the coming autumn
Nearest autumn forecast For the territory of Ukraine, you can read the article below. Summer is almost over, and it is replaced by autumn in a few days.
Unfortunately, the global trend towards a general pandemic is not encouraging. Yes, somewhere in the regions and regions, some relaxations are given, and somewhere tired of the general tension, people themselves slowly begin to walk less in masks, not to mention glasses and gloves, but doctors still do not have any specific opinion.
As we can see, air temperature in principle does not affect the disease.
The weather forecast for autumn in Ukraine promises to be quite cool, but dry. The first freeze They may be coming very soon: in the beginning. October.
September is expected to be warm but dry. It may rain a little in the second week of the month. But already in October, Ukrainians should expect a sharp cold snap, up to the first frosts. Such forecasts give the head of the Cherkasy regional hydrometeorological center Vitaly Postrigan.
Warm autumn days in Ukraine should be expected only in September. In October, early cold snaps and frosts will come, and November will blow with all the cold. Postrigan also said that a significant shortage of precipitation is expected: from 35% to 50%.
“The greatest deviation from the norm in the direction of cold will be in October, and the least rainfall is likely in November.” However, the beginning of autumn will still please with warmth, the weather forecaster said.
On Saturday, August 29, sunny and dry weather is expected in Ukraine. In the capital in the morning will be 15 degrees, in the afternoon the temperature will be 22 degrees, and in the evening will drop to 19 degrees.
As for the rest of Ukraine, a slight decrease in temperature by 2-3 degrees is expected on August 29. Traditionally, the temperature in the south can even rise.
As for precipitation, there is a promise of a relative decrease in rainfall, if we compare August with July. According to the forecast of the weather forecaster, for the month Ukraine will fall to 22 mm of precipitation depending on the region, while 55 mm was in July.
Thus, we advise all mushroom growers not to be upset by the lack of rain, but to pull themselves together and spend their free time on some other hobby: for example, fishing. Thus, you can relax your body and soul, and once again do not contact anyone.
We wish everyone good health and good luck. And also correctly plan your affairs, taking into account the weather conditions for autumn. Let everything planned be done easily!

Unfortunately, the global trend towards a general pandemic is not encouraging. Yes, somewhere in the regions and regions, some relaxations are given, and somewhere tired of the general tension, people themselves slowly begin to walk less in masks, not to mention glasses and gloves, but doctors still do not have any specific opinion.

As we can see, air temperature in principle does not affect the disease.
The weather forecast for autumn in Ukraine promises to be quite cool, but dry. The first freeze They may be coming very soon: in the beginning. October.

September is expected to be warm but dry. It may rain a little in the second week of the month. But already in October, Ukrainians should expect a sharp cold snap, up to the first frosts. Such forecasts give the head of the Cherkasy regional hydrometeorological center Vitaly Postrigan.

Warm autumn days in Ukraine should be expected only in September. In October, early cold snaps and frosts will come, and November will blow with all the cold. Postrigan also said that a significant shortage of precipitation is expected: from 35% to 50%.
“The greatest deviation from the norm in the direction of cold will be in October, and the least rainfall is likely in November.” However, the beginning of autumn will still please with warmth, the weather forecaster said.

On Saturday, August 29, sunny and dry weather is expected in Ukraine. In the capital in the morning will be 15 degrees, in the afternoon the temperature will be 22 degrees, and in the evening will drop to 19 degrees.

As for the rest of Ukraine, a slight decrease in temperature by 2-3 degrees is expected on August 29. Traditionally, the temperature in the south can even rise.

As for precipitation, there is a promise of a relative decrease in rainfall, if we compare August with July. According to the forecast of the weather forecaster, for the month Ukraine will fall to 22 mm of precipitation depending on the region, while 55 mm was in July.
Thus, we advise all mushroom growers not to be upset by the lack of rain, but to pull themselves together and spend their free time on some other hobby: for example, fishing. Thus, you can relax your body and soul, and once again do not contact anyone.

We wish everyone good health and good luck. And also correctly plan your affairs, taking into account the weather conditions for autumn. Let everything planned be done easily!
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