A good priest sprinkled pets as a sign of protection against coronavirus
If your pet lives in your home, you know how important it is. pet-care. Especially when there is a pandemic in the world. It has long been proven that dogs and cats are just as susceptible to coronavirus as humans. The only difference is that we cannot get infected from them. But here they are from us - more than possible.
To someone, such a statement will seem fiction, and someone will do anything to protect their beloved animal. This is exactly what happened in the Philippines, where in early October, people said: World Animal Day In a very unusual way. And how exactly, we tell you next.
On October 4, the Philippines celebrated the care of pets. Feast of St. Francis of AssisiAnimal patron. Everyone could participate in an unusual blessing ceremony. However, all the action was not about people, but their pets.
GettyImages The essence of the event was to have a Catholic priest sprinkled pets with holy water. To make it safe and within the norm, everything happened in car traffic mode. That is, the Holy Father was in a certain place, and all those who wanted to join the ceremony passed by him.
At the same time, the owners sat in the passenger seat and holding pets in their arms. Approaching the priest, they opened the window and stuck through it a happy face of a dog or a cat. In addition, even parrots participated in the ceremony!
It is worth noting that in the Philippines this action happens every year. Despite the increasing number of cases, the organizers of the ceremony did not even think to cancel it. To protect themselves and the participants, they are honest. kept social distance They provided the priest with personal protective equipment. In addition to the usual mask, he also used a plastic shield.
GettyImages co-organizer Richie Pascual said: “We must adapt to new norms and a pandemic will never stop us from paying our respects to our pets.” Said, done. The event took place at the usual measured pace. In addition, there were police officers monitoring the order.
In the Republic of the Philippines, traditions are respected. And pet-blessing - one of them. We need to remind people of the rights of animals that need to be protected. Owners say of the event with special respect: “This is very important to us because we really feel that our pet is part of our family.”
GettyImages As you can see, pet-care It can be very different. What do you think of such an unusual ceremony? If you had the opportunity, would you take part? It would be great if you shared your opinion in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!
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To someone, such a statement will seem fiction, and someone will do anything to protect their beloved animal. This is exactly what happened in the Philippines, where in early October, people said: World Animal Day In a very unusual way. And how exactly, we tell you next.
On October 4, the Philippines celebrated the care of pets. Feast of St. Francis of AssisiAnimal patron. Everyone could participate in an unusual blessing ceremony. However, all the action was not about people, but their pets.

GettyImages The essence of the event was to have a Catholic priest sprinkled pets with holy water. To make it safe and within the norm, everything happened in car traffic mode. That is, the Holy Father was in a certain place, and all those who wanted to join the ceremony passed by him.

At the same time, the owners sat in the passenger seat and holding pets in their arms. Approaching the priest, they opened the window and stuck through it a happy face of a dog or a cat. In addition, even parrots participated in the ceremony!

It is worth noting that in the Philippines this action happens every year. Despite the increasing number of cases, the organizers of the ceremony did not even think to cancel it. To protect themselves and the participants, they are honest. kept social distance They provided the priest with personal protective equipment. In addition to the usual mask, he also used a plastic shield.

GettyImages co-organizer Richie Pascual said: “We must adapt to new norms and a pandemic will never stop us from paying our respects to our pets.” Said, done. The event took place at the usual measured pace. In addition, there were police officers monitoring the order.
In the Republic of the Philippines, traditions are respected. And pet-blessing - one of them. We need to remind people of the rights of animals that need to be protected. Owners say of the event with special respect: “This is very important to us because we really feel that our pet is part of our family.”

GettyImages As you can see, pet-care It can be very different. What do you think of such an unusual ceremony? If you had the opportunity, would you take part? It would be great if you shared your opinion in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!
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