19 the elderly, which proves that everything is possible, even beauty in old age
Ninety two million eight hundred twenty four thousand one hundred forty
For millennia mankind has sought the secret of eternal youth, writes The Hearty Soul. Nobody wants to get old. At a time when some exercise or going on a diet, the second simply do not age due to good genetics.
Anti-Aging: pictures of people who don't want to grow old.
1. Cuando tan, 51.
2. Masako Mizutani, 49 years old.
3. Ernestine shepherd, 81.
4. Annette Larkins, 75 years.
5. Rita Russ, 57 years old.
6. Debbie Plumbly 50 years.
7. Nandana sen, 49 years old.
8. Ellen ector, 64.
9. Wang-Od, Oggy, 101.
10. Mace Musk, 70 years.
11. Lauren Hutton, 74.
12. Yasmina Rossi, 63.
13. Ron Jack Foley, 50 years.
14. Jim Arrington, 85.
15. Julia Hawkins, 102 years.
16. Evelyn Hall, 72.
17. Maiori Gilbert, 102 years.
18. Tatiana Neklyudova, 61.
19. Tao Porchon-Lynch, 100 years.
For millennia mankind has sought the secret of eternal youth, writes The Hearty Soul. Nobody wants to get old. At a time when some exercise or going on a diet, the second simply do not age due to good genetics.
Anti-Aging: pictures of people who don't want to grow old.
1. Cuando tan, 51.

2. Masako Mizutani, 49 years old.

3. Ernestine shepherd, 81.

4. Annette Larkins, 75 years.

5. Rita Russ, 57 years old.

6. Debbie Plumbly 50 years.

7. Nandana sen, 49 years old.

8. Ellen ector, 64.

9. Wang-Od, Oggy, 101.

10. Mace Musk, 70 years.

11. Lauren Hutton, 74.

12. Yasmina Rossi, 63.

13. Ron Jack Foley, 50 years.

14. Jim Arrington, 85.

15. Julia Hawkins, 102 years.

16. Evelyn Hall, 72.

17. Maiori Gilbert, 102 years.

18. Tatiana Neklyudova, 61.

19. Tao Porchon-Lynch, 100 years.

While we are alive, we still have a chance to rise above - to take at least one more height in the way of our spiritual ascent
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