Tour of Zaporozhye for students
Seventy one million five hundred forty seven thousand seven hundred fifty six
School trip for many was one of the warmest childhood memories. Still – there's no school, and high school friends close by. In one word – freedom. But under the guidance of adults children's irrepressible energy can be directed in the right direction, the students organized interesting and cognitive rest.
Options of excursions to Zaporozhye for children are many – there are plenty to choose. From a General overview of Hiking and exploring the main attractions, and ending with unusual tours in huge factories.
1. Time travel on the island of Khortytsya.
Many children almost fall asleep on the lessons of history and the teachers complain that students alone gadgets in mind. But cramming a complex of dates and family trees of the Royal family, and the truth is few people are interested in. But when the history you can almost touch – is another matter! Once the child gets acquainted with the life of the Cossacks, visit "House of ataman" or "Troop office", the history book will be really interesting.
2. To penetrate the heart of Dneprovskoye.
Not each adult has a clear view of the work of hydroelectric power, but because it is a symbol and the main attractions of Zaporozhye. For children this concrete giant is a total mystery! A visit to the Museum of the Dnieper invariably makes kids happy, especially attracts a huge model of the turbine. During the tour, visitors learn how it was built such a huge facility on the river, who belonged to the idea of creating a dam, and how the units and mechanisms of the structure.
3. To create a masterpiece of porcelain.
How much fun children have when funny sculpt figures out of clay! So why not give them the opportunity to create a porcelain figurine? In addition, the walls of the Zaporozhye factory of porcelain can be seen both from nondescript grey lumps is obtained noble material. During the tour students will personally see the whole process of creating porcelain, and then personally decorate a porcelain Cup. Of course, such a precious gift remains in a little of the author.
Organizing any leisure, you should first take care of the safety of children. When ordering excursions and tours use the services of only verified agencies and tour operators, ask about the insurance. If the event involves a long bus ride (especially at night), make sure you have two drivers on the flight.
School trip for many was one of the warmest childhood memories. Still – there's no school, and high school friends close by. In one word – freedom. But under the guidance of adults children's irrepressible energy can be directed in the right direction, the students organized interesting and cognitive rest.
Options of excursions to Zaporozhye for children are many – there are plenty to choose. From a General overview of Hiking and exploring the main attractions, and ending with unusual tours in huge factories.

1. Time travel on the island of Khortytsya.
Many children almost fall asleep on the lessons of history and the teachers complain that students alone gadgets in mind. But cramming a complex of dates and family trees of the Royal family, and the truth is few people are interested in. But when the history you can almost touch – is another matter! Once the child gets acquainted with the life of the Cossacks, visit "House of ataman" or "Troop office", the history book will be really interesting.

2. To penetrate the heart of Dneprovskoye.
Not each adult has a clear view of the work of hydroelectric power, but because it is a symbol and the main attractions of Zaporozhye. For children this concrete giant is a total mystery! A visit to the Museum of the Dnieper invariably makes kids happy, especially attracts a huge model of the turbine. During the tour, visitors learn how it was built such a huge facility on the river, who belonged to the idea of creating a dam, and how the units and mechanisms of the structure.

3. To create a masterpiece of porcelain.
How much fun children have when funny sculpt figures out of clay! So why not give them the opportunity to create a porcelain figurine? In addition, the walls of the Zaporozhye factory of porcelain can be seen both from nondescript grey lumps is obtained noble material. During the tour students will personally see the whole process of creating porcelain, and then personally decorate a porcelain Cup. Of course, such a precious gift remains in a little of the author.
Organizing any leisure, you should first take care of the safety of children. When ordering excursions and tours use the services of only verified agencies and tour operators, ask about the insurance. If the event involves a long bus ride (especially at night), make sure you have two drivers on the flight.