Musical group for the wedding: the main rules of choosing
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To a wedding celebration planned in Moscow, was successful and fun, you need to solve many issues. Including select musical group. A very well established cover band Elim''s Band that plays the hits of the most famous artists. On the page http://www.elimsband.ru/kaver_gruppa_na_svadbu you can leave your request. But we must do it in advance.
How not to make a mistake when wybrano if you fail to invite this band, you must know some points that will help you to choose the other team.
If you fail to attend at least a training music band, you need on their website to find Live-Promo. These videos are from performances of the group. But here we must be very careful. It may be a difference between the concept of a Studio promo, which can give distortion, and live sound. Keep the following in mind: saving money to a gay wedding, but just "dead" party.
Whether to agree to the additional costs?
Sometimes it so happens that the contract for the services of a musical group, which needs to cater a wedding, we are talking about the same amount. But in the end then have to pay extra. For example, this could include the following:
A technical rider is a set all equipment that will be needed to service the wedding. We are talking about speakers, mixer etc. there is much that depends on which room you have to speak to the musicians. It can be large or small, high or low. Sometimes it is about a stretched awning. So the music group will have to decide what equipment to use. And this will affect the price of their services. In the everyday rider includes musicians, Parking for their vehicles, but also room for them. So that there may be additional costs.
To a wedding celebration planned in Moscow, was successful and fun, you need to solve many issues. Including select musical group. A very well established cover band Elim''s Band that plays the hits of the most famous artists. On the page http://www.elimsband.ru/kaver_gruppa_na_svadbu you can leave your request. But we must do it in advance.

How not to make a mistake when wybrano if you fail to invite this band, you must know some points that will help you to choose the other team.
- A serious team needs to have a website that will give you the opportunity to listen to their songs.
- You must see the reviews about the group that should be only positive.
- It is important that musicians could perform different songs that would be suitable for different age of the attendees.
- It is advisable to listen to the opinions of those who recently got married.

If you fail to attend at least a training music band, you need on their website to find Live-Promo. These videos are from performances of the group. But here we must be very careful. It may be a difference between the concept of a Studio promo, which can give distortion, and live sound. Keep the following in mind: saving money to a gay wedding, but just "dead" party.
Whether to agree to the additional costs?
Sometimes it so happens that the contract for the services of a musical group, which needs to cater a wedding, we are talking about the same amount. But in the end then have to pay extra. For example, this could include the following:
- technical rider;
- the everyday rider;
- transfer.
A technical rider is a set all equipment that will be needed to service the wedding. We are talking about speakers, mixer etc. there is much that depends on which room you have to speak to the musicians. It can be large or small, high or low. Sometimes it is about a stretched awning. So the music group will have to decide what equipment to use. And this will affect the price of their services. In the everyday rider includes musicians, Parking for their vehicles, but also room for them. So that there may be additional costs.