Love your daughter and admire the son.
How to raise children to love and admire the daughter's son!
Like daughterThe girl needs to feel yourself a girl. Some dads are waiting for my son, strive to bring up the boy from his daughter. It destroys her future life and interferes with the normal development of the female body.
Woman in need of proof that love her. She often needs to hear that she loved his family. Educating a girl can do without such approval as "good", "well done", "clever".
Such words of encouragement make a girl act like the boy, and strive to achieve success, to obtain approval. But that doesn't make her happy, because she needs love. Many women are improperly educated, strive for achievement, career, greater earnings, but more and more I feel deprived and devoid of love.
— I love you so much. I own a miracle, a gift. — You are the most amazing, most beautiful I love you so much. — You decorate my life.
Seventy nine million five hundred ninety one thousand five hundred sixty five
These and other similar words expect to hear every girl and woman.
The female energy, as the female body is designed for long-running processes.
The woman 9 months of carrying a child, then for many years caring for him. Thanks to its feminine energy, she always sees any change in the house and can regularly run the economy. It's hard for men, who required cuts.
A man starts a business and then seeks to finish it. After graduating he needed to recuperate, to prepare for the next activity.
Feminine energy is fluid, so the woman can't finish the job. If you've connected a cap, you constantly want to dobesilate, bandage or something to change it. The girls are well cared for potted flowers, as the female energy helps them to be in a constant process.
The boy can't keep in my head a long process. He needs to experience the feeling of being completed, finished.
So the boy was watering the flowers and decided that all done. Tomorrow it will be quite a different matter. So the boys have to constantly remind about the work you want it to be fulfilled. The boy cannot withstand the constant responsibilities that it imposes on the mother.
Girl, performing daily chores, wants to feel the stability and reassurance that she is loved.
Remember, the girl caring for the house is not in order to get approval, but only because she feels joy when he maintains harmony in the house. A woman always feels joy and happiness when around her harmony. The feminine energy helps her to feel the guardian, goddess of the hearth. Compare the apartment of a bachelor-man and a woman's apartment. The apartment is a real woman always attracts harmony and coziness.
The female energy gives the girl the ability for compassion, empathy.
Boys ' life has prepared other tasks, so they are, for some time, hiding your sensitive soul and the capacity for empathy deep inside. He needs to grow up a man, it means to be outwardly strong and secure, hard.
The more parents demand girls mens realization and behavior, and the harder, sharper and more temperate it becomes.
The ability to love, the girl can be identified by her handwriting. Than it is more beautiful and slimmer, the happier he feels the girl.
If your teenage daughter, look at her school notebooks. As soon as her handwriting is crooked, illegible, so it lacks your love.
The girl, when she feels happy and loved and the parents were able to correctly form her feminine energy, it will be easy to overcome periods of their menstruation. Painful menstrual periods are only for those girls whose parents have broken them women's "I".
Marvel boyThe girl needs to feel loved and hear about it from parents. With 5-6 years the boy appears another need than just to feel loved. A boy comes into this world to create something of their own. Men it is very important to see and get a real satisfaction from the fact that they have created in this world. It is a purely masculine trait. Whatever created the woman she wants to receive love. Therefore any implementation in society, the achievements for women are associated with the expectation of receiving love for it. For men the main it achievements. Man aims to be first and best.
Eleven million two hundred twenty thousand three hundred fifty two
Therefore, the two son of the family always fight for the championship. It is very important that the parents of each of them were praised for their different and unique achievement. Sons cannot be set in competition with each other, otherwise they will always see an enemy in his brother. The world offers men a lot of opportunities to compete for the championship. Even when men are United by friendship, each of them has its specific features and implementation. It is very easy to be friends. Suppose, one good geek, the other a specialist in cars, third is a hunter, which periodically organizes joint trips and hunting trips. Brothers can also merge a recognition of each other's talents and features.
The karmic task of the soul, who received a male body, to be a leader, advocate and always strive for superiority. Thus, humanity reaches new levels of learning and development.
The karmic task of women — to preserve and strengthen what makes the man and admiration to encourage him to develop further. In this case, a man loves a woman and thinks she's the one.
The need for admiration is evident in the boy from an early age. It is not always conscious, but it is an essential need. When parents see the son and admire his qualities, is peculiar to the male sex, he gains confidence that helps him to develop masculine traits and men to realize the potential inherent in it. However, it wakes the good sense of gratitude to my parents, and establish strong ties of love.
If the young person is close enough to the parents, the problems peculiar to adolescence, for it is not terrible. However, since many parents are not aware of the acute need for admiration in his sons, they did not Express their admiration.
Some young people survive in an environment of constant reproaches, reprimands, hearing words of praise, — it lays waiting for the accusations of a lifetime and does not form the masculine "I". These boys are more effeminate, and it is difficult for them to end their suffering.
If the boy has received enough energy from the parents during conception, then he has the strength to fight for themselves. In this case, trying to stop, interrupt an unpleasant conversation, the humiliation of himself and more, he shouts, is rude, or even force. It's a natural male reaction to violence and the imposition of his female stereotype behavior. However, some boys is not strong enough. In this case, they feel victimized, can't find my way and place in life. They become hysterical, petty and grumpy. Young people, the potential is designed to be a light to the world, with a sense of weariness and misunderstanding wander on the side of life. In this position puts them a sense of failure felt by their souls, as fails not only be men but also to solve put before them the Universe of the problem.
The son is dependent on parents until 26 years of age. All the time he needs to get the admiration from parents. Admire the young man is especially necessary at the beginning of his career. His hopes for the future in this moment sublime. For him nothing is impossible and all dreams seem feasible. He is full of ideas and plans, enthusiasm and confidence. In the life of the older generation he sees a lot of deficiencies and is waiting for the chance to turn the whole world! Meanwhile, life seems meaningless, if there would not a man he can trust. Many of his comrades are too busy with themselves and their own plans to take the time to listen to him. Senior just laugh at him.Where did he find the uncritical listener to whom he could entrust his thoughts and ideas?
His soul yearns for admiration, and a woman that would show this admiration is in his eyes, like an angel from heaven. Therefore, if a young person does not receive the admiration of the house, it tends to go and get admiration from the girl. Most often, in this age, the girl still did not understand what you admire so imposed is looking for superficial qualities. It turns out that in order to gain the admiration, the young man behaves like a woman, interested in appearance, clothing, and confessions of girls in love for him. For some young people the priority in the choice of the pair becomes the material wealth of the family of the girl or her male aggressiveness and career goals. Two opposite charge are attracted to each other, and the same name repulse each other. It turns out that the more male energy in the woman, the more feminine energy in the young man. You want this fate for your child?
Parents depends, as will be shown their child and how it will match my gender.published
Author: Galina Sheremeteva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: adalin.mospsy.ru/l_03_00/l0053.shtml
Like daughterThe girl needs to feel yourself a girl. Some dads are waiting for my son, strive to bring up the boy from his daughter. It destroys her future life and interferes with the normal development of the female body.
Woman in need of proof that love her. She often needs to hear that she loved his family. Educating a girl can do without such approval as "good", "well done", "clever".
Such words of encouragement make a girl act like the boy, and strive to achieve success, to obtain approval. But that doesn't make her happy, because she needs love. Many women are improperly educated, strive for achievement, career, greater earnings, but more and more I feel deprived and devoid of love.
— I love you so much. I own a miracle, a gift. — You are the most amazing, most beautiful I love you so much. — You decorate my life.
Seventy nine million five hundred ninety one thousand five hundred sixty five
These and other similar words expect to hear every girl and woman.
The female energy, as the female body is designed for long-running processes.
The woman 9 months of carrying a child, then for many years caring for him. Thanks to its feminine energy, she always sees any change in the house and can regularly run the economy. It's hard for men, who required cuts.
A man starts a business and then seeks to finish it. After graduating he needed to recuperate, to prepare for the next activity.
Feminine energy is fluid, so the woman can't finish the job. If you've connected a cap, you constantly want to dobesilate, bandage or something to change it. The girls are well cared for potted flowers, as the female energy helps them to be in a constant process.
The boy can't keep in my head a long process. He needs to experience the feeling of being completed, finished.
So the boy was watering the flowers and decided that all done. Tomorrow it will be quite a different matter. So the boys have to constantly remind about the work you want it to be fulfilled. The boy cannot withstand the constant responsibilities that it imposes on the mother.
Girl, performing daily chores, wants to feel the stability and reassurance that she is loved.
Remember, the girl caring for the house is not in order to get approval, but only because she feels joy when he maintains harmony in the house. A woman always feels joy and happiness when around her harmony. The feminine energy helps her to feel the guardian, goddess of the hearth. Compare the apartment of a bachelor-man and a woman's apartment. The apartment is a real woman always attracts harmony and coziness.
The female energy gives the girl the ability for compassion, empathy.
Boys ' life has prepared other tasks, so they are, for some time, hiding your sensitive soul and the capacity for empathy deep inside. He needs to grow up a man, it means to be outwardly strong and secure, hard.
The more parents demand girls mens realization and behavior, and the harder, sharper and more temperate it becomes.
The ability to love, the girl can be identified by her handwriting. Than it is more beautiful and slimmer, the happier he feels the girl.
If your teenage daughter, look at her school notebooks. As soon as her handwriting is crooked, illegible, so it lacks your love.
The girl, when she feels happy and loved and the parents were able to correctly form her feminine energy, it will be easy to overcome periods of their menstruation. Painful menstrual periods are only for those girls whose parents have broken them women's "I".
Marvel boyThe girl needs to feel loved and hear about it from parents. With 5-6 years the boy appears another need than just to feel loved. A boy comes into this world to create something of their own. Men it is very important to see and get a real satisfaction from the fact that they have created in this world. It is a purely masculine trait. Whatever created the woman she wants to receive love. Therefore any implementation in society, the achievements for women are associated with the expectation of receiving love for it. For men the main it achievements. Man aims to be first and best.
Eleven million two hundred twenty thousand three hundred fifty two
Therefore, the two son of the family always fight for the championship. It is very important that the parents of each of them were praised for their different and unique achievement. Sons cannot be set in competition with each other, otherwise they will always see an enemy in his brother. The world offers men a lot of opportunities to compete for the championship. Even when men are United by friendship, each of them has its specific features and implementation. It is very easy to be friends. Suppose, one good geek, the other a specialist in cars, third is a hunter, which periodically organizes joint trips and hunting trips. Brothers can also merge a recognition of each other's talents and features.
The karmic task of the soul, who received a male body, to be a leader, advocate and always strive for superiority. Thus, humanity reaches new levels of learning and development.
The karmic task of women — to preserve and strengthen what makes the man and admiration to encourage him to develop further. In this case, a man loves a woman and thinks she's the one.
The need for admiration is evident in the boy from an early age. It is not always conscious, but it is an essential need. When parents see the son and admire his qualities, is peculiar to the male sex, he gains confidence that helps him to develop masculine traits and men to realize the potential inherent in it. However, it wakes the good sense of gratitude to my parents, and establish strong ties of love.
If the young person is close enough to the parents, the problems peculiar to adolescence, for it is not terrible. However, since many parents are not aware of the acute need for admiration in his sons, they did not Express their admiration.
Some young people survive in an environment of constant reproaches, reprimands, hearing words of praise, — it lays waiting for the accusations of a lifetime and does not form the masculine "I". These boys are more effeminate, and it is difficult for them to end their suffering.
If the boy has received enough energy from the parents during conception, then he has the strength to fight for themselves. In this case, trying to stop, interrupt an unpleasant conversation, the humiliation of himself and more, he shouts, is rude, or even force. It's a natural male reaction to violence and the imposition of his female stereotype behavior. However, some boys is not strong enough. In this case, they feel victimized, can't find my way and place in life. They become hysterical, petty and grumpy. Young people, the potential is designed to be a light to the world, with a sense of weariness and misunderstanding wander on the side of life. In this position puts them a sense of failure felt by their souls, as fails not only be men but also to solve put before them the Universe of the problem.
The son is dependent on parents until 26 years of age. All the time he needs to get the admiration from parents. Admire the young man is especially necessary at the beginning of his career. His hopes for the future in this moment sublime. For him nothing is impossible and all dreams seem feasible. He is full of ideas and plans, enthusiasm and confidence. In the life of the older generation he sees a lot of deficiencies and is waiting for the chance to turn the whole world! Meanwhile, life seems meaningless, if there would not a man he can trust. Many of his comrades are too busy with themselves and their own plans to take the time to listen to him. Senior just laugh at him.Where did he find the uncritical listener to whom he could entrust his thoughts and ideas?
His soul yearns for admiration, and a woman that would show this admiration is in his eyes, like an angel from heaven. Therefore, if a young person does not receive the admiration of the house, it tends to go and get admiration from the girl. Most often, in this age, the girl still did not understand what you admire so imposed is looking for superficial qualities. It turns out that in order to gain the admiration, the young man behaves like a woman, interested in appearance, clothing, and confessions of girls in love for him. For some young people the priority in the choice of the pair becomes the material wealth of the family of the girl or her male aggressiveness and career goals. Two opposite charge are attracted to each other, and the same name repulse each other. It turns out that the more male energy in the woman, the more feminine energy in the young man. You want this fate for your child?
Parents depends, as will be shown their child and how it will match my gender.published
Author: Galina Sheremeteva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: adalin.mospsy.ru/l_03_00/l0053.shtml