Durak online
Twenty five million six hundred thirty four thousand forty five
On the Internet there are very few playgrounds where you can play a good old card or chess game. Your attention is unique in its kind website luckforfree.com where a wide range of absolutely free games. Here, anyone can play the famous card game "Durak", which is made in unique author's style. It happens between real players, which greatly adds to the excitement.
Forty three million six hundred fifty one thousand five hundred four
The site provides 3 kinds of card game "Durak", namely:
Search for game in "Fool" on the website, has a very wide range of settings. It allows you to find or make a game comfortable for the player settings. Here you can choose the number of cards in the deck (24/36/52), time course (15 to 60 seconds) and the first rebound (the number of times that can leave). You can select the status of the players, which in game three:
All games, including the "bum" is completely free and do not require material investments. On the website there is a currency that is created only to raise the excitement of the players and improve the gameplay. The website does not promote the real money games.
Fifty million eight hundred eighty eight thousand seven hundred fifteen
On the Internet there are very few playgrounds where you can play a good old card or chess game. Your attention is unique in its kind website luckforfree.com where a wide range of absolutely free games. Here, anyone can play the famous card game "Durak", which is made in unique author's style. It happens between real players, which greatly adds to the excitement.
Forty three million six hundred fifty one thousand five hundred four
The site provides 3 kinds of card game "Durak", namely:
- Command. The game is played between two teams of two people. The rules are similar to the classic game, with only one exception – the card is impossible to throw the partner.
- Transferable. A more complicated version of the classic "Fool". If the player were to make a move and he has a card of the same rank, then placing it is possible to translate the course to another person.
- Thrown up. All players are eligible to throw up cards of the same rank with the cards on the table. This is not to throw more cards than has a slugger.
Search for game in "Fool" on the website, has a very wide range of settings. It allows you to find or make a game comfortable for the player settings. Here you can choose the number of cards in the deck (24/36/52), time course (15 to 60 seconds) and the first rebound (the number of times that can leave). You can select the status of the players, which in game three:
- Friends. Players who have accepted Your invitation of friendship.
- Unregistered user. The site allows users to play without registering with a few restrictions. For example, unregistered players can't play with verified users.
- Verified users. Users who have registered and passed the verification of your identity.
All games, including the "bum" is completely free and do not require material investments. On the website there is a currency that is created only to raise the excitement of the players and improve the gameplay. The website does not promote the real money games.
Fifty million eight hundred eighty eight thousand seven hundred fifteen
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