In the Netherlands there are roads from plastic
The concept of plastic roads was developed by KWS in 2015. It provides the ability to create custom modules from recycled plastic for road construction. These modules can withstand the same load as the asphalt, but have a lot of advantages.
In particular, due to their low weight they are easy to transport, assemble and maintain in proper condition, and the soil much less susceptible to subsidence. Being hollow inside, the modules leave room for various communications, in particular, cables, plastic pipes and drainage for wastewater. Also important is the fact that when the module's life comes to an end, they can be recycled again.
"Together with Wavin and Total we now have enough knowledge, experience and resources to initiate concrete steps for implementation of this project, — said the inventors of plastic roads Anna Koudstaal and Simon Jorritsma. — We expect that the prototype will be ready by the end of 2017".
It is known that the first plastic road will be built in the Netherlands, but where and what will be its extent, is still unknown.
"We are very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in this innovative project and to share its experience on processing and use of polymers, — said senior Vice President of Total units in the development and production of polymers Javier Bontemps. The agreement is in line with our commitment to maximize the use of recycling and thereby reduce the negative environmental impacts from our activities".
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Source: fdlx.com/tech/71675-v-gollandii-poyavyatsya-dorogi-iz-plastika.html

In particular, due to their low weight they are easy to transport, assemble and maintain in proper condition, and the soil much less susceptible to subsidence. Being hollow inside, the modules leave room for various communications, in particular, cables, plastic pipes and drainage for wastewater. Also important is the fact that when the module's life comes to an end, they can be recycled again.
"Together with Wavin and Total we now have enough knowledge, experience and resources to initiate concrete steps for implementation of this project, — said the inventors of plastic roads Anna Koudstaal and Simon Jorritsma. — We expect that the prototype will be ready by the end of 2017".
It is known that the first plastic road will be built in the Netherlands, but where and what will be its extent, is still unknown.

"We are very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in this innovative project and to share its experience on processing and use of polymers, — said senior Vice President of Total units in the development and production of polymers Javier Bontemps. The agreement is in line with our commitment to maximize the use of recycling and thereby reduce the negative environmental impacts from our activities".
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement . https://player.vimeo.com/video/188098899 Put LIKES and share with your FRIENDS! www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
Source: fdlx.com/tech/71675-v-gollandii-poyavyatsya-dorogi-iz-plastika.html
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