Instead of trash useful things: 10 successful startups from around the world for recycling plastic
1. Sunglasses from dolphins
Every year in discarded fishing nets entangle and kill about 300,000 dolphins, as signaled by the world wildlife Fund. In Chile, the creators of the startup "Bureo" concerned with the problem and decided to contribute to the cleanup of the oceans from debris, and at the same time to capitalize on this. They gather on the coast of Chile thrown out of the network, which consist mainly of polymers, process them, and of the polymer granules do skateboards and sunglasses. And, of course, in their store no one will purchase wrapped in plastic packaging. Since the beginning of activities of "Bureo" recycled approximately 42,000 m2 of derelict fishing nets, which is the size of the Netherlands.
The creators of the startup — three surfers left their jobs in offices, to create a company that can be an example of circular economy.
"We are the surfers, and for us the problem of pollution of the ocean plastic is obvious. We thought, is it possible to change something. For bottles, packages and many other types of plastic products already exist decisions and fishing nets in Chile nobody processed. We are proud to be a part of something special, and our clients always tell us "thank you" not only for products but also for what we do to the planet. It is very motivating," said Green, one of the founders David Stover.
2. Fabric from the "sea" of plastic
Another startup, protecting the sea from plastic waste was organized in new York. The creators of "Bionic" recycle discarded on the US East coast plastics in fabrics and yarn.
"We think that everything we consume should serve a benefit to society and nature. We are proud that we can transform what is considered trash, things that can be used again in daily life" — written on the organization's website. She has a fabric created from recycled plastic or completely mixed with natural materials.
Recently, the authors of "Bionic" began to cooperate with interior designers and architects.
3. Toys from milk bottles
And again the USA. California is the manufacture of children's toys from recycled plastic bottles of milk. Since the beginning of their work, the authors of the project "GreenToys" processed 45 564 158 of such containers. 1 bottle per second. On top of that, new toys Packed in cartons from recycled paper.
"We care about children, about what they play and what kind of world they will live in the future" — say the creators of "Green Toys" on his page on the Internet.
The company has a lot of awards from environmental associations and from the parent centers and nursery schools.
4. Collecting plastic as a workplace
The Caribbean sea in Haiti, the canadian enterprise "Social Plastic" organized for local people jobs for collection of plastic waste. Collected plastic is sold to manufacturers who use it as a secondary resource.
Many Haitians live in extreme poverty, moreover in the conditions where the pollution with plastic waste is increasingly reminiscent of the environmental disaster.
"They live in the midst of garbage that can be turned into oil," says the Creator of the enterprise David Katz in an interview with "La Tribune". His company decided to capitalize on the processing, and at the same time something to help the quality of life of the local population.
5. Sheets of plastic bottles
Back in the Eastern hemisphere. In the UK, in Bradford, Stuart Jones sells photos printed on canvas made from recycled plastic bottles. Initiative "Co2nscience" began with the production of environmentally friendly packaging for CDs and DVDs, but gradually the wheels began to go into the past, and he needed a new idea.
The first money was collected through crowdfunding "Kickstarter". For every canvas you want from 4 to 22 bottles, and paintings can reach the size of the walls of the room.
6. To store your own container
France, Bordeaux. In 2012, two friends who graduated from the University, opened in Bordeaux shop, where all products are sold without packaging. Clients need to bring your own bags, containers or banks because the store no plastic or any other packages. There is only glass and plastic containers that you can buy and use many times.
"The idea to open a store without packaging came from the realization of how much useless plastic waste we produce, particularly when purchasing products. But we immediately throw away packaging," says Jules Review interview to the newspaper "LeFigaro".
Vegetables, fruits, cheese, yogurt, milk, olives, wine, beer, candy, bread for all this to come with your own container. Since then, in many cities of France, there are similar shops. In 2015 in Paris opened a hypermarket without packaging.
7. Fiber for 3D printing
Fiber for 3D printing from recycled PET bottles started to do in the Netherlands. Startup "Refil" have developed two types of technologies: fiber ABS made from automotive plastics, and fiber-based polyterephthalate ethylene, and easier — PET bottles.
The project came up with five graduates of the technological University of the Netherlands. And technology won the prize of "the Best material for 3D printing" in 2015 ("Best Material Development for 3D Printing in 2015").
8. Recycling Indian
India is one of the most littered countries in the world. The government in 2009 imposed a ban on plastic bags, but the problem of plastic waste is not decided. Startup "Banyan Nation" has collected about $ 800,000 in the search for effective solutions for recycling plastic.
"We left a job in USA and returned home to Hyderabad, to create a business that will change the situation with the processing of plastic waste in India, says Mani Wacipi, founder and Executive Director of "the Banyan". — Our goal is to become a reliable and responsible partner for manufacturers, we can supply packaging from recycled plastic".
"Banyan" full control of the process: Assembly, sorting, reprocessing and manufacture of new products.
9. Of football stars — in the manufacturers of paving tiles
Cameroon soccer star Roger Milla created the organization "Heart of Africa", the purpose of which is sustainable development and environmental security of the country. One of the first initiatives — recycling plastic to use it for the production of paving tiles.
"We have launched this project because we have to somehow reduce the pollution in Cameroon, and also in order to create jobs for the population," — says the owner of a Golden sword in an interview with "Le Monde".
The project lasts for a year. It is planned that eventually will be occupied about 25 000 people. Production procedure was previously developed in Cameroon, and now innovators are trained production team of Roger. They say paving tiles from recycled plastic is less expensive and more durable than conventional with cement.
10. School bags with solar panel
In South Africa, two 20-year-old girl Tato and Rhea decided to help students from poor families. They came up with the initiative to "Repurpose School Bags", producing cheap school bags of collected plastic waste. But that's not all. Each bag is assigned a small solar panel that recharges the flashlight. It can be used to prepare lessons in the evening, as many poor families do not have electricity.
The idea of Tato and Rhea soon drew the attention of entrepreneurs and volunteers that helped to reduce the cost of the bags for children to a minimum. In 2014 the project "Repurpose School Bags" received the first prize of the competition for African startups in the social sphere. published
Source: grodno.greenbelarus.info/articles/25-11-2016/vmesto-musora-poleznye-veshchi-10-uspeshnyh-startapov-so-vsego-mira-po
Every year in discarded fishing nets entangle and kill about 300,000 dolphins, as signaled by the world wildlife Fund. In Chile, the creators of the startup "Bureo" concerned with the problem and decided to contribute to the cleanup of the oceans from debris, and at the same time to capitalize on this. They gather on the coast of Chile thrown out of the network, which consist mainly of polymers, process them, and of the polymer granules do skateboards and sunglasses. And, of course, in their store no one will purchase wrapped in plastic packaging. Since the beginning of activities of "Bureo" recycled approximately 42,000 m2 of derelict fishing nets, which is the size of the Netherlands.

The creators of the startup — three surfers left their jobs in offices, to create a company that can be an example of circular economy.
"We are the surfers, and for us the problem of pollution of the ocean plastic is obvious. We thought, is it possible to change something. For bottles, packages and many other types of plastic products already exist decisions and fishing nets in Chile nobody processed. We are proud to be a part of something special, and our clients always tell us "thank you" not only for products but also for what we do to the planet. It is very motivating," said Green, one of the founders David Stover.

2. Fabric from the "sea" of plastic
Another startup, protecting the sea from plastic waste was organized in new York. The creators of "Bionic" recycle discarded on the US East coast plastics in fabrics and yarn.
"We think that everything we consume should serve a benefit to society and nature. We are proud that we can transform what is considered trash, things that can be used again in daily life" — written on the organization's website. She has a fabric created from recycled plastic or completely mixed with natural materials.

Recently, the authors of "Bionic" began to cooperate with interior designers and architects.
3. Toys from milk bottles
And again the USA. California is the manufacture of children's toys from recycled plastic bottles of milk. Since the beginning of their work, the authors of the project "GreenToys" processed 45 564 158 of such containers. 1 bottle per second. On top of that, new toys Packed in cartons from recycled paper.

"We care about children, about what they play and what kind of world they will live in the future" — say the creators of "Green Toys" on his page on the Internet.
The company has a lot of awards from environmental associations and from the parent centers and nursery schools.
4. Collecting plastic as a workplace
The Caribbean sea in Haiti, the canadian enterprise "Social Plastic" organized for local people jobs for collection of plastic waste. Collected plastic is sold to manufacturers who use it as a secondary resource.
Many Haitians live in extreme poverty, moreover in the conditions where the pollution with plastic waste is increasingly reminiscent of the environmental disaster.

"They live in the midst of garbage that can be turned into oil," says the Creator of the enterprise David Katz in an interview with "La Tribune". His company decided to capitalize on the processing, and at the same time something to help the quality of life of the local population.
5. Sheets of plastic bottles
Back in the Eastern hemisphere. In the UK, in Bradford, Stuart Jones sells photos printed on canvas made from recycled plastic bottles. Initiative "Co2nscience" began with the production of environmentally friendly packaging for CDs and DVDs, but gradually the wheels began to go into the past, and he needed a new idea.

The first money was collected through crowdfunding "Kickstarter". For every canvas you want from 4 to 22 bottles, and paintings can reach the size of the walls of the room.
6. To store your own container
France, Bordeaux. In 2012, two friends who graduated from the University, opened in Bordeaux shop, where all products are sold without packaging. Clients need to bring your own bags, containers or banks because the store no plastic or any other packages. There is only glass and plastic containers that you can buy and use many times.

"The idea to open a store without packaging came from the realization of how much useless plastic waste we produce, particularly when purchasing products. But we immediately throw away packaging," says Jules Review interview to the newspaper "LeFigaro".
Vegetables, fruits, cheese, yogurt, milk, olives, wine, beer, candy, bread for all this to come with your own container. Since then, in many cities of France, there are similar shops. In 2015 in Paris opened a hypermarket without packaging.
7. Fiber for 3D printing
Fiber for 3D printing from recycled PET bottles started to do in the Netherlands. Startup "Refil" have developed two types of technologies: fiber ABS made from automotive plastics, and fiber-based polyterephthalate ethylene, and easier — PET bottles.

The project came up with five graduates of the technological University of the Netherlands. And technology won the prize of "the Best material for 3D printing" in 2015 ("Best Material Development for 3D Printing in 2015").
8. Recycling Indian
India is one of the most littered countries in the world. The government in 2009 imposed a ban on plastic bags, but the problem of plastic waste is not decided. Startup "Banyan Nation" has collected about $ 800,000 in the search for effective solutions for recycling plastic.

"We left a job in USA and returned home to Hyderabad, to create a business that will change the situation with the processing of plastic waste in India, says Mani Wacipi, founder and Executive Director of "the Banyan". — Our goal is to become a reliable and responsible partner for manufacturers, we can supply packaging from recycled plastic".
"Banyan" full control of the process: Assembly, sorting, reprocessing and manufacture of new products.
9. Of football stars — in the manufacturers of paving tiles
Cameroon soccer star Roger Milla created the organization "Heart of Africa", the purpose of which is sustainable development and environmental security of the country. One of the first initiatives — recycling plastic to use it for the production of paving tiles.

"We have launched this project because we have to somehow reduce the pollution in Cameroon, and also in order to create jobs for the population," — says the owner of a Golden sword in an interview with "Le Monde".
The project lasts for a year. It is planned that eventually will be occupied about 25 000 people. Production procedure was previously developed in Cameroon, and now innovators are trained production team of Roger. They say paving tiles from recycled plastic is less expensive and more durable than conventional with cement.
10. School bags with solar panel
In South Africa, two 20-year-old girl Tato and Rhea decided to help students from poor families. They came up with the initiative to "Repurpose School Bags", producing cheap school bags of collected plastic waste. But that's not all. Each bag is assigned a small solar panel that recharges the flashlight. It can be used to prepare lessons in the evening, as many poor families do not have electricity.

The idea of Tato and Rhea soon drew the attention of entrepreneurs and volunteers that helped to reduce the cost of the bags for children to a minimum. In 2014 the project "Repurpose School Bags" received the first prize of the competition for African startups in the social sphere. published
Source: grodno.greenbelarus.info/articles/25-11-2016/vmesto-musora-poleznye-veshchi-10-uspeshnyh-startapov-so-vsego-mira-po