Uber is working on flying cars
Unmanned vehicles can be considered outdated technology. Uber is already working on flying cars and futuristic project called Uber Elevate. They describe the new service as "essential aircraft" and focused its work on vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft.
The company believes that Uber Elevate will relieve traffic and reduce commute time. Users will be able to replace the 2-hour drive, Expressway 15 minute flight. Director of sales, Jeff Holden wrote on his web page post "like skyscrapers to effectively use the limited land in urban zones, urban air transport will use the three dimensional airspace in order to get rid of the tubes on the earth."
Uber hopes to create a flying car is an electric motor. They also calculated that, initially, the vehicle will operate the pilots, but ultimately flying electric cars should be Autonomous.
Flight, generally regarded as an expensive method of transportation, but Uber thinks it will be able to offer an affordable alternative.
Jeff Holden said one of the editions that the flights are so expensive currently due to the fact that "the low production volumes." VTOL can be expensive initially, but over time "production in large volumes" will allow you to reduce costs. VTOL can even use a helicopter infrastructure. Roof Parking lots or areas around interchanges can also act as places where several VTOL can land, take off and charging.
If the markup in the sky as on earth? In Uber, it seems, do not think. Holden says one of the advantages VTOLявляется the fact that they "do not have to adhere to certain routes." If flying cars will be limited to a few routes, it may limit the full potential of air transport.published
Source: inhabitat.com/uber-is-working-on-flying-electric-cars-to-disrupt-transportation-again/

The company believes that Uber Elevate will relieve traffic and reduce commute time. Users will be able to replace the 2-hour drive, Expressway 15 minute flight. Director of sales, Jeff Holden wrote on his web page post "like skyscrapers to effectively use the limited land in urban zones, urban air transport will use the three dimensional airspace in order to get rid of the tubes on the earth."
Uber hopes to create a flying car is an electric motor. They also calculated that, initially, the vehicle will operate the pilots, but ultimately flying electric cars should be Autonomous.

Flight, generally regarded as an expensive method of transportation, but Uber thinks it will be able to offer an affordable alternative.
Jeff Holden said one of the editions that the flights are so expensive currently due to the fact that "the low production volumes." VTOL can be expensive initially, but over time "production in large volumes" will allow you to reduce costs. VTOL can even use a helicopter infrastructure. Roof Parking lots or areas around interchanges can also act as places where several VTOL can land, take off and charging.
If the markup in the sky as on earth? In Uber, it seems, do not think. Holden says one of the advantages VTOLявляется the fact that they "do not have to adhere to certain routes." If flying cars will be limited to a few routes, it may limit the full potential of air transport.published
Source: inhabitat.com/uber-is-working-on-flying-electric-cars-to-disrupt-transportation-again/
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