In the footsteps of desert beetles. The bottle on the ground, which itself will fill with water

From Russian folk tales we know about the cloth-Samobranka, which at the request of the hero comes out of nowhere food. But the company NBD Nano promises in 2014 to start production of a bottle that would fill itself with water. In the most arid areas there is a certain percentage of moisture in the air. And there are forms of life that get the water out of the atmosphere. For example, in the Namib desert lives a small beetle Onymacris unguicularis, whose body is covered with special knobs, which picks up moisture and flows through the chute into the mouth of this insect. And the specialists of the company NBD Nano have studied in detail the structure of these knobs and have created the technology to transfer this experience of nature in the sphere of industrial production.

Company, NBD Nano, has created the bottle, the surface of which is covered with a kind of knobs beetle. It collects moisture from the atmosphere and accumulates it in this capacity. And people may at any time to drink water appeared out of nowhere. On the idea of the experts of the company NBD Nano, such bottles become very common among athletes (e.g. distance runners) and residents of third world countries with limited access to water. Indeed, the lack of clean drinking water is one of the main humanitarian problems of the modern world. A wide distribution of similar bottles accumulating moisture from the air, will allow for a greater measure to solve this scourge of Civilization. Industrial manufacture of bottles, Zambrano from NBD Nano is scheduled to begin in 2014 year. However, while nothing is known about the cost of this innovative packaging.
Source: /users/276
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