Body temperature of newborns
Young mothers, who during their conscious life managed to inspire the idea that the normal body temperature should be only 36.6 C, sometimes it is very difficult to understand why their newborn baby temperature constantly jumps and does not want to be fixed on the cherished mark of the thermometer. The reason for this imperfect thermoregulation in newborns due to which the body temperature of the first weeks of life is somewhat blurred. In most cases, the normal temperature for a newborn is about 37 C on average, with fluctuations of half a degree during the day. In the morning, the temperature is lower, by the evening it rises.
Of course, any mother will be more comfortable if she is convinced that this is a natural condition for her child. The easiest way is to measure your baby’s temperature every day, at the same time, under the same conditions. For example, in the morning, 10-15 minutes after waking up or in the evening before going to bed. Keep in mind that you need to measure the temperature only by one chosen method - under the arm, in the mouth or rectally. We must not forget that the norm for rectal temperature is 1C higher than for the temperature in the armpit. The temperature in the mouth is higher than the temperature in the armpit by an average of 0.5 C.
Remember that weak thermoregulation does not mean that the child freezes, but that his body is not able to maintain the desired temperature on its own. Overheating a child is as easy as overcooling, and a very controversial question is what is more dangerous for the baby. Dress the child should be adequate weather outside and air temperature in the house. If the temperature in the apartment is above 25C, then socks and hats are just a crime against the child! If a child overheats, his temperature always rises. It is enough to undress the baby and the temperature is normalized.
Modern means of child care are very diverse. The manufacturers did not bypass the attention of such a subject of child care as a thermometer. Traditional mercury glass thermometer is its main plus Accessibility, cheapness, versatility and suitability for people of any age. The main disadvantage is obvious - it is a high risk of damage. Glass fragments and mercury are extremely dangerous for both children and adults. In addition, the measurement process itself is not very convenient. If a newborn or adult can safely wait up to 10 minutes until the mercury rises to the correct levels, then a child 2-3 years old may have problems.
Electronic thermometers.The positive qualities include the speed of measurement. In addition, such a thermometer is safe and convenient enough to measure rectal temperature. Of the disadvantages, it should be noted not very high accuracy when measuring body temperature in the axillary cavity, when there is no close contact with the skin.
Temperature stripes.Extremely comfortable outside the home, they are easy to fold into a bag or even a wallet. Unfortunately, they have very low accuracy and, in fact, only inform about the increase in temperature, but not about the level of its increase.
Dummy thermometers.A great option for babies, making life easier for young mothers. They only work up to a certain age. In addition, not all children even in infancy suck a nipple.
Source: /users/147

Of course, any mother will be more comfortable if she is convinced that this is a natural condition for her child. The easiest way is to measure your baby’s temperature every day, at the same time, under the same conditions. For example, in the morning, 10-15 minutes after waking up or in the evening before going to bed. Keep in mind that you need to measure the temperature only by one chosen method - under the arm, in the mouth or rectally. We must not forget that the norm for rectal temperature is 1C higher than for the temperature in the armpit. The temperature in the mouth is higher than the temperature in the armpit by an average of 0.5 C.

Remember that weak thermoregulation does not mean that the child freezes, but that his body is not able to maintain the desired temperature on its own. Overheating a child is as easy as overcooling, and a very controversial question is what is more dangerous for the baby. Dress the child should be adequate weather outside and air temperature in the house. If the temperature in the apartment is above 25C, then socks and hats are just a crime against the child! If a child overheats, his temperature always rises. It is enough to undress the baby and the temperature is normalized.

Modern means of child care are very diverse. The manufacturers did not bypass the attention of such a subject of child care as a thermometer. Traditional mercury glass thermometer is its main plus Accessibility, cheapness, versatility and suitability for people of any age. The main disadvantage is obvious - it is a high risk of damage. Glass fragments and mercury are extremely dangerous for both children and adults. In addition, the measurement process itself is not very convenient. If a newborn or adult can safely wait up to 10 minutes until the mercury rises to the correct levels, then a child 2-3 years old may have problems.

Electronic thermometers.The positive qualities include the speed of measurement. In addition, such a thermometer is safe and convenient enough to measure rectal temperature. Of the disadvantages, it should be noted not very high accuracy when measuring body temperature in the axillary cavity, when there is no close contact with the skin.
Temperature stripes.Extremely comfortable outside the home, they are easy to fold into a bag or even a wallet. Unfortunately, they have very low accuracy and, in fact, only inform about the increase in temperature, but not about the level of its increase.
Dummy thermometers.A great option for babies, making life easier for young mothers. They only work up to a certain age. In addition, not all children even in infancy suck a nipple.
Source: /users/147